

Automatical Resources Checking System Research and Design of Telecom Operators

【作者】 朱敬坤

【导师】 武东英;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 因业务信息系统数据不一致导致的收入流失是电信运营商收入损失的一个重要方面,在信息化程度越来越高的今天,电信运营商各业务信息系统越来越多也越来越复杂,因业务信息系统数据不一致而导致的收入流失问题显得尤其突出。为了解决各系统间数据的一致性问题,一方面需要将企业所有业务数据进行比对,更重要的是建立完善的数据比对机制。本文重点研究了通过计算机系统实现业务数据自动稽核、比对系统的建设方案,主要研究内容和创新点如下:1.分析了当前电信运营商自动资源核对系统研究现状与发展动态,研究提出了自动资源核对系统的体系结构,提出并建立了针对不同业务系统的数据核对模型,分析对比数据接口技术的优缺点并给出了业务数据的提取、整理、核对方案,分析了系统安全及防范措施。2.对自动资源核对系统的灵活性和可扩展性进行了论证,提出了对所有数据源进行标准化,并基于规则进行预处理的技术实现思路。3.对实际生产环境进行深入了解分析,提出了将比对任务统一调度和合并的建设方案,避免对实际生产环境造成影响。4.提出参数化灵活控制措施,比对数据源、比对内容、比对范围、比对规则可灵活设置扩充,能够满足多种业务及数据的比对要求。论文提出了完整的自动资源核对系统给建设方案。

【Abstract】 It is an important aspect of telecom operators’loss of income due to inconsistencies of business information system data. In the increasingly high degree of information technology today. There are more and more various business information systems in telecom operators. And they becomes more and more complex. This problem is particularly conspicuous. In order to solve the problems of consistency of data among various systems. On the one hand we need to compare all the business data. For the most important aspect, we need to establish a sound mechanism for data checking and comparing. This paper focuses on the realization of automatic inspection and comparing of business data through computer systems. Main research content and innovation points are as follows:1. Analysis the Research and Development News of automatically resources checking system in current telecom operators. Study and propose an system architecture of resources automatic checking. Proposed and set up business systems models of different data matching. Analysis of comparative data interface technology, the advantages and disadvantages and gives the extraction of business systems, sorting, matching program. Analysis of system security and preventive measures.2. Demonstrated the flexibility and scalability to conduct a full automatic resources matching and checking system. Proposed the thought of construction to standardize all data sources and rule-based pretreatment.3. In-depth understanding and analysis the actual production environment of telecom operators. Proposed merger of the task scheduling and the construction of a unified program. In order to avoid the impact to actual production.4. Proposed the flexible control measures by parameterized. So that the data source, data content, compared scope and rules can be expanded more flexible. To meet a variety of business data requirements.


