

Research on Trust Evaluation Based Secure Clustering Algorithm in Tactical Internet

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 韩继红; 王亚弟;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 军事装备学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 战术互联网在数字化作战中扮演极其重要的角色,由于其拓扑结构动态变化、自组织组网、采用无线通信、部署在战场前沿等特点,战术互联网比其他军事网络面临着更大的安全威胁。分簇结构是战术互联网的典型网络结构,研究以安全为重要考量因素的分簇算法具有重要的现实意义。根据战术互联网的特点及面临的安全挑战,以对节点进行有效管理、减少控制开销,和保证节点间通信的安全为目标,本文研究设计并仿真实验了战术互联网安全分簇算法,主要工作如下:1.在深入研究典型信任评估模型并分析战术互联网中信任需求的基础上,为综合反映信任本身具有的模糊性和随机性,将隶属云理论应用于信任评估,对信任空间、信任度空间、信任云及信任等级云等进行了定义,提出了基于信任云的信任评估模型。针对两级分簇的网络结构,对低级簇内、高级簇内和簇间节点间信任证据的获取、信任的计算、信任的更新和信任等级的判定进行了阐述,并从准确性、实用性和效率等方面对模型进行了分析。2.为达成可信的分簇结构,结合军队建制的特点,将基于信任云的信任评估模型运用到分簇算法中,提出了一种适用于战术互联网环境的安全分簇算法。包括初始簇生成算法和簇维护算法两部分。初始簇生成算法由簇首选举、会聚计算和分布式网关确定等过程组成。根据触发簇维护的事件类型不同,簇维护算法可分为基于节点信任的簇维护和基于节点运动的簇维护两部分。3.利用仿真工具NS-2对基于信任评估的战术互联网安全分簇算法TEBSCA进行性能评估,并就稳定性、负载平衡和网络开销等性能与其他典型分簇算法进行比较,就安全性能与Beth信任模型进行比较,实验结果表明本文方案性能良好。

【Abstract】 Tactical Internet plays an important role in digitized battle. However, due to its dynamic topology, self-organization, wireless communication, deployment of the battlefield frontier and so on, Tactical Internet is confronted with much more serious security threats than other military networks. Clustered network is a typical network structure of Tactical Internet, therefore, the research on secure clustering algorithm in Tactical Internet possesses an important practical significance.According to the characteristics of Tactical Internet and security challenges it faces, for effective managing nodes, reducing cost of control, and ensuring the security of communication environment, this dissertation researches, designs and simulates a new secure clustering algorithm in Tactical Internet. The main contributions are summarized as follows:1. Basing on investigating typical trust evaluation models and analyzing the trust demand in Tactical Internet, for the sake of synthetically describing the randomicity and fuzziness of trust, the cloud theory is introduced into trust evaluation, and definition of trust space, trust degree space, trust cloud, as well as trust grading cloud are given, a trust evaluation model is proposed based on trust cloud. For a two layer clustering network structure, the mechanisms of trust evidence gathering, trust computing, trust updating and trust grade determining intra and inter cluster are proposed, the proposed trust evaluation model is analyzed from aspects of veracity, practicability and efficiency.2. Aiming at the characteristics of military organizational system and the shortages of existing clustering algorithms in lack of security, a secure clustering algorithm applying in Tactical Internet is presented, into which the trust cloud based trust evaluation model is introduced. The algorithm consists of the original cluster formation phase and the cluster maintenance phase. The original cluster formation phase mainly includes cluster head selection, converge-cast and distributing gateway verdiction. According to different events which trigger the maintenance of cluster structure, the cluster maintenance phase is divided into trust based cluster maintenance and movement based cluster maintenance.3. Adopting network simulation tool NS-2, the trust evaluation based secure clustering algorithm for Tactical Internet (TEBSCA) is simulated and the performance is evaluated by comparing with some correlative clustering algorithms in stability, load balancing and network cost and compared with Beth trust model in security, the experiment results shows that the proposed algorithm is effective.


