

Ecological Operation Based on Supply-demand Equilibrium of River Eco-environmental Water on Hongyashan Reservoir

【作者】 解瑞

【导师】 成自勇;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以甘肃省石羊河流域红崖山水库为例,进行了基于河流生态需水均衡的水库生态调度。探讨了红崖山水库功能调整的必要性。通过对红崖山水库建成前后的分析和比较,指出下游灌区生态问题已经成为红崖山水库现行调度的瓶颈;通过对水库现状调度方式不足的分析,指出红崖山水库仅发挥灌溉和防洪功能已经不能解决下游民勤绿洲的生态恶化问题;并提出通过红崖山水库现状灌溉防洪双重功能向灌溉防洪兼顾生态三大功能的转变能够解决灌区社会经济效益与生态效益间矛盾。构建了红崖山水库生态调度的模型及调度方式。从水库下游河道生态需水情况出发,针对红崖山水库控制区域宏观的水资源配置和调度中的生态问题,提出红崖山水库生态调度要从水库下游生态需水均衡出发,通过对水库自身的水库水位及下泄流量的调节,满足水库下游的河流生态需水要求、水库供水片区的灌溉需水及防洪要求;以单个水库控制的虚拟供水片区作为计算单元进行概化,以灌区供需相对均衡为目标函数,以减轻水库建设及运行对生态环境的负面影响为主要约束,建立红崖山水库生态调度的模型及调度方式。利用FS算法找到大量水库调度期整个过程的可行策略,制定了5组水库水位运行方案,分别用DDDP方法进行再寻优计算,以目标函数较小的作为初始轨迹,最终确定了方案3作为水库最优水位运行轨迹。采用方案3的水库水位运行可行轨迹效果明显,水库处于低水位运行,下泄流量较现状调度均匀。在全年水库运行调度中,灌区的供需水量基本达到均衡(S_t总≈D_t总)。

【Abstract】 Based on supply-demand equilibrium of river eco-environmental water, ecological reservoir operation was carried out on Hongyashan reservoir in this paper.The Hongyashan reservoir function regulation is importation and necessary. Analyzing and comparing the effects on irrigation in the pre and post the Hongyashan reservoir built, the ecological problem of the Minqin irrigation district has become the bottleneck of the present operation. Through analyses of real conditions and the existing problems of the reservoir operation, Hongyashan reservoir that only play irrigation and flood control function has not solve the downstream problems of ecological deterioration of the oasis. And shifting the reservoir function from the dual function both irrigation and flood control to the three functions of ecological, can solve the contradiction between socioeconomic benefits and ecological benefits of the irrigation district.According to the situation of the river eco-environmental demand and the ecological problem during the operation and water resources allocation in the Hongyashan reservoir control regions, the Hongyashan reservoir ecological operation has been proposed in this paper. It proceeds from the equilibrium of river eco-environmental water requirement in the reservoir downstream. The discharge volume and the level on the reservoir must be adjusted to the needs for river eco-environmental water, irrigation, and flood control. We propose an ecological reservoir operation model based-on ecological flow regime, and taken a uniform water supply process taken as the objective function, which takes the virtual water area of single reservoir as an calculation unit.Five groups’reservoir water level feasible tracks with better objective function are regarded as initial tracks of the Feasibility of Search Discrete Differential Dynamic Programming algorithm (FS-DDDP) for further optimization. Choose the 3rd scheme as the final method. This group has the obvious effect in the reservoir operation. The reservoir operation at low level and the sluicing flow more uniform than that during the current situation of Hongyashan reservoir operation. For the whole period, the supply-demand of water irrigation district can measure up equilibrium.


