

Study on the Optimal Location of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) Used for Improving the Transient Stability of Power System

【作者】 马腾宇

【导师】 唐跃进;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电工理论与新技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高温超导线材的开发进展和相关低温技术的不断进步,超导电力设备在电力系统的应用成为电力工程科学领域研究的新热点。其中,超导磁储能装置(Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage,简写为SMES)作为新一类的FACTS设备家族成员,具有优越的性能和广泛的应用前景,是本论文的研究目标。而本课题的主要研究内容是SMES设备在电力系统中的应用情况及其选址方法。本文首先论述了超导磁储能装置的提出及其对电力系统的应用意义,分析了超导磁储能装置的储能原理和性能特点,论述了其各个主要组成部分的详细结构及其工作原理。同时,在分析各部分工作过程以及整体运行特点的基础上,建立了适用于动态系统分析及仿真的超导磁储能装置的功率响应模型。然后,在电力系统暂态分析工具EMTDC的仿真平台PSCAD中,对含有超导磁储能装置的单机无穷大系统进行了建模和暂态过程仿真分析,仿真的结果显示,超导磁储能装置可以有效地抑制由系统扰动引起的发电机功角振荡,从而提高系统暂态过程的稳定性。最后,本文针对SMES在电力系统中的安装选址问题,在WSCC 3机9节点系统中,利用PSCAD/EMTDC工具,对不同装设地点下系统的暂态性能进行了仿真比较,并且根据对仿真结果和网络系统发电机特性的分析讨论后,得出对电力系统中SMES设备的安装选址问题具有实际应用意义的结论。而对于多机复杂电力系统,本文分析了超导磁储能装置在电力系统中安装选址的原则以及一般性方法,包括了超导磁储能装置在系统中安装选址的应用目标、分析方法、选择指标等。针对于超导磁储能装置用于改善电力系统暂态稳定性的需求,本文提出了使用控制系数的分析选址方法,在列写系统的线性化状态方程之后,推导了其控制系数指标的具体计算参数,并给出在实际大型电力系统中超导磁储能装置安装选址的具体实施步骤。

【Abstract】 With the development of high-temperature superconducting wire and the continuous advancement of related low-temperature technology, the application of superconducting power equipment in power system has become the new hot spot of scientific researches in the field of power engineering. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES), a new kind of FACTS devices with good performance, is studied in this thesis, and the research topic of the thesis is the application and optimal location of SMES in power system.This paper first presents SMES and its application significance to power system, as well as its operation principle and performance characteristics, and further the structure and working principle of its each component are analyzed in detail.Based on the working processes of each part and the analysis of whole operation, the mathematic model of SMES for dynamic analysis and simulation in response to power flow is built.Then, the modeling and simulation analyses about the transient process of the infinite-bus system with SMES have been carried out in PSCAD/EMTDC. Simulation results show that SMES can effectively suppress the power-angle oscillation of system generator caused by disturbance, so as to enhance the transient stability of power system.Finally, for the sake of selecting the location of SMES in power system, simulation analysis and the comparison of the transient performances in a WSCC3 machine 9 bus system with different locations of SMES have been taken.According to the analysis and comparison of the simulation results, several conclusions have been made for the practical layout of SMES. For the complex multi-machine power system, this thesis analyzes the general principle and method of the installation location of SMES, such as the target of application, analysis method and choice of index. For the application of SMES used for improving the transient stability of power system, the analysis method of control index is studied. After listing the linear state equations of system, the detailed parameters of the control index are given, and then the implementation steps for the location of SMES in large complex power system are also proposed.

【关键词】 超导储能最优布局暂态稳定PSCAD/EMTDC
【Key words】 SMESOptimal locationTransfer stabilityPSCAD/EMTDC
  • 【分类号】TM712
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】442

