

The Research and Design of the Local Measurement and Control System of Pulsed High Magnetic Field Facility

【作者】 罗季

【导师】 韩小涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 脉冲强磁场是现代科学实验最重要的极端条件之一,可为物理、化学、生物等众多学科领域的基础理论和应用研究提供重要的科学实验平台。特别是近年来,随着脉冲功率技术的发展,在凝聚态物理、材料科学、生物医学等基础前沿学科研究需要的推动下,脉冲强磁场技术越来越为人们所重视。本文从脉冲强磁场装置工程技术的角度,结合华中科技大学脉冲强磁场装置的建设,分析了脉冲强磁场和脉冲大电流的测量原理,研究设计了脉冲强磁场装置的本地测控系统。全文的主要内容如下:第一、介绍脉冲强磁场装置建设的意义以及国内外脉冲强磁场技术的发展概况。简要分析了测量脉冲强磁场和脉冲大电流的几种方法,描述了实现开关量控制的几种方案;第二、简要介绍了脉冲强磁场装置的基本构成,重点描述了测控部分的系统架构和主监控系统构成;第三、针对本地测控系统工程量测量的需要,重点研究了法拉第电磁感应法测量脉冲强磁场、Rogowski线圈测量脉冲大电流的原理和实现方法,结合具体装置进行了测试和数据分析;第四、研究设计了基于DSP2812的本地控制系统,按照功能模块分别介绍了CPU控制板、RS-232转光纤单元电路以及相关接口板的原理和设计实现。第五、分析探讨了系统的几类干扰来源,结合具体应用提出了屏蔽、光电隔离、过压保护、软件闭锁等抗干扰措施。

【Abstract】 Pulsed High Magnetic Field is the one of the most important extreme condition in modern scientific experiments, which can provide an important platform of scientific experiments for physics, chemistry, biology and many other areas of the basic theory. Recently, with the development of pulse magnet technology, pulsed high magnetic fields have raised scientists’ attention increasingly, because of the increment in the fundamental research, such as condensed state physics, materials science, and biomedicine. Based on the platform of the National Large Scale Scientific Research Facility - Pulsed High Magnetic Field Facility in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, we research and design the local measurement and control system of pulsed high magnetic field device, analysis how to measure pulsed high magnetic field and pulsed high current, and Achieve design and installation of local measurement and control system. The thesis mainly contains following contents:First of all, the significance of the building pulsed high magnetic field devices is introduced. An overview of the development of pulsed high magnetic field at home and abroad is given. Several methods of measuring pulsed high magnetic field and pulsed high current and an analysis of the realization of several switch control program are given.Secondly, the main structure of pulsed high magnetic field is described, its measurement and control system are discussed in detail.Thirdly, the local measurement system is described in detail. The measurement method of pulsed magnetic fields using the Faraday law of electromagnetic is studied. The method of using Rogowski coils and Hall current sensor to measure pulsed high current is analyzed and compared.Fourthly, the local control system is designed and realized. The components of local control system including DSP2812 CPU module, RS-232 to optical signal conversion and corresponding interfacing parts are presented.Finally, the main sources of EMI are introduced. Several anti-jamming measures such as shielding, optical-electrical isolation, over-voltage protection and software interlocking an so on are given.


