

Research on Data Acquisition and Processing of Field Mapping System for Cyclotron Magnet

【作者】 唐浩

【导师】 熊永前;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电机与电器, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 回旋加速器由于其结构紧凑、能耗低等优点,在核医学和核物理等领域,特别是在放射性同位素生产方面有着重要而广泛的应用。但是我国目前的回旋加速器设计和制造水平与国际先进水平还有较大的差距,至今缺少具有独立知识产权的回旋加速器,因此,加强高性能回旋加速器的开发研制工作势在必行。为了满足回旋加速器的运行条件并提高加速器的性能,加速器的主磁场须严格满足设计要求,因此必须对回旋加速器的主磁场进行高精度、高密度的测量,这也是为磁场垫补和粒子动力学计算提供实测数据,也就是说磁场测量结果的准确程度对回旋加速器的成功建成是至关重要的。本文首先从CYCHU-10回旋加速器磁场测量系统的研究意义和技术要求出发,分析和总结了国内外相关课题的研究成果,介绍了CYCHU-10磁场测量系统的设计思路及设计方案。然后,详细介绍了测量系统所使用的主要部件,包括特斯拉计及霍尔探头、伺服电机及其驱动器、伺服电机运动控制卡、直线光栅尺,并说明了选择的原则和部件详细的参数。最后,根据系统对磁场测量结果的设计要求,完成了基于LabVIEW 8.6软件平台开发的数据采集系统和数据处理系统的程序,介绍了程序使用的模块并进行了相关的验证实验,详细说明了程序的使用方法并列出了相关的实验结果和分析结论。

【Abstract】 Compact Cyclotrons are wildly used in the fields of nuclear medicine and nuclear physics and others, especially in radioisotope production. But there are large gaps in cyclotron design and manufacture level between Chinese and advanced international, the lack of the cyclotron with independent intellectual property rights, therefore, to strengthen the development of high-performance work cyclotron is imperative.In order to meet the conditions of cyclotron operation and to improve the performance of the accelerator, the accelerator’s main magnetic field need to strictly appease the design requirements, it is essential measure the main magnetic field of cyclotron in high-precision and high-density, which provide the measured data for the particle dynamics calculated. In brief, the magnetic result of the magnetic field measurement system is important for the successful build of cyclotron.First, this article described the technical requirements, design ideas and program design of the magnetic field measurement system of CYCHU-10, program design which is divided into the mechanical system design and measurement system designed to introduce. Secondly, introduce the using of the measurement system in detail, including the Tesla and the Hall probe, the servo motor drives, the servo motor motion control card, straight-line grating ruler, and explain the reasons for the selection of details and components of the parameters.Finally, when finish the data-acquisition system and data-processing system which are based on the LabVIEW 8.6, take the relevant verification experiment according to the results of measuring system design requirements, and lists the relevant experimental results and analysis.

  • 【分类号】TL542
  • 【下载频次】102

