

The Application of Chinese Traditional Signs in the Creatures

【作者】 熊麒麟

【导师】 黄朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着时代的发展,民族间的联系日益紧密,文化间的对话与交流日渐频繁与深入。尽管这样的交流有益于人类的发展,但也给各民族的独立性带来了强烈冲击。“民族的就是世界的”,这句话告诉我们,只有保持自己的民族独立性与传统,中华民族才能屹立于世界民族之林。这在设计中的反映就是要牢牢把握中华民族的传统文化,将传统符号作为民族风格的承载物,充分融入到现代设计中。符号是一对能指和所指的混合物,所指即观念,能指即观念的物化形式。了解符号这一结构后,我们就能分析传统符号的意义与其在造物活动中作用的模式。要了解传统符号的意义,首先要分析传统符号的形成过程。古人并没有系统的符号理论,但他们同现代人一样,有着符号化的思维模式。“观物取象”即是人类最早的符号思维。由“天地”二元对立抽象为“阴阳”世界观,再从“阴阳”观到原始的意象,这就是原始人将观念符号化的最初过程。原始意象作为符号是观念的意指,但它只是还存在于精神世界。当它与各种造物活动结合起来,就有了种种物化形式,表现为造型符号存在与原始器物中。这种存在形式包括器物的形态、色彩、材质、图案装饰等。我们将这种种能反映传统观念的外在形式统统称为传统符号。通过分析这些符号对传统观念的反映机制,可以帮助我们更清晰地认清传统符号与传统观念间的深刻联系。能直接反映传统思想观念,引起人们对传统的怀念以及对本民族的归属感,是传统符号最具魅力的地方。当这种符号被运用于现代设计中,设计者自然不能脱离其对传统观念的传达,而只采用其古典形式。这样的设计就是为了艺术而艺术,为了传统而传统。这种符号徒有其表,再也不能算传统符号。本文最后对传统符号在现代语意系统中的意义传达做了分析,提出了三种传达方式:对传统文化意义传达,对象征意义的传达以及隐喻的传达。

【Abstract】 With the development of the times,the connection between nations goes more closer, and inter-cultural dialogue and exchanges become more frequent and thoroughly. Despite this kind of exchange is beneficial to of human development, it will impact hardly on the national independence. "The National is also the global ", this sentence tells us that only by maintaining our national independence and the tradition, and the Chinese nation can survive forever in the world. Which reflected in the design is holding the Chinese nation’s traditional culture firmly, and taking traditional signs as a bearing of the national style, and integrating it into modern designs.Sign amount to a mixture which contains a pair of signans and designatum. The signans means the concept and the designatum means the physical forms. Understanding of the structure of signs, we can analyze the meaning of traditional signs and their operating patterns in creating actions.To learn about the significance of traditional signs, we should analyze the formation of the traditional signs first. The ancients had no systematic theory of signs, but as the modern people, they have symbolic thinking mode. "Xiang comes from viewing the objects" is the earliest signs’thinking mode of human. The dualism of "Heaven and Earth" was abstracted as a world view of "yin and yang", and then from the "yin and yang" concept to the original imago, which is the initial signed process of the concept.Original imago as a sign is a connotation of the concept, but it also exists in the spiritual world. When it was combined with a variety of creation activities, there are all sorts of physical forms, which show as a formal sign exist in the original artifacts. This existed form includes the shapes, colors, materials, designs and other decoration of objects. We can define all these external forms that can reflect the variety of the traditional concept as the traditional symbols. By analyzing the mechanism that these signs reflect the values of traditional can help us to recognize the profound connections between the traditional concepts of the traditional signs more clearly. What can reflect the traditional thinking and concepts directly, and draw people’s attention to the traditional memory as well as a sense of belonging to the nation, is the most attractive places of the traditional signs. When this kind of sign has been applied to modern design, the designer can not be divorced from the significance conveying of the traditional concepts, but only its classical form. This design is for the arts to do arts, for the traditions to refer to the traditions. These signs have only a form as a sign, and it is no longer called the traditional signs. Finally, this argumentation analyzes the conveying of traditional signs in the modern semantic system, and drives three ways of conveyance: the conveyance of the meaning of traditional culture, the conveyance of the symbolic and the conveyance of the metaphor.

【关键词】 所指能指传统符号意相意义传达
【Key words】 signansdesignatumtraditional signsimagoconveyance of meaning
  • 【分类号】J505
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】130

