

Development of the Medical Oxygen Inspiration Device with Controllable Oxygen Concentration

【作者】 李帅帅

【导师】 杨国胜; 焦腾; 张恩科;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 生物医学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代医学设备日新月异,医疗新技术、新方法层出不穷。但在临床急救、支持治疗甚至家庭保健中使用最广泛和普遍的吸氧治疗仍采用传统的落后技术,目前吸氧治疗除了重症且有条件使用高档呼吸机来达到吸氧浓度控制外,其余均是最简单的高压氧气源经过减压后通过湿化瓶的办法使病人吸入氧气。该方法的缺点是,病人吸入的氧气的浓度医护人员无法定量控制。目前使用的吸氧技术与临床要求很不相宜,医护人员主观判断或操作尺度掌握的差异及病人配合程度的不同,均可造成病人吸入体内的气体中实际的氧气浓度与医生的期望值发生较大偏差。医用氧浓度可控吸氧器的研制,立足于目前多数医院三气供应的实际情况,在充分考虑产品成本的基础上,应用现代电子技术实现了任意比例氧气和空气的精准混合,并可对混合气体压力和输出流量实现可控调节,从而使临床患者吸氧治疗实现有效控制。本课题完成的主要工作:1、建立空氧压力平衡装置该装置的理论基础是玻意尔-马略特定律:在温度不变的条件下,一定质量的气体的压强与体积成反比。2、建立单片机控制的空氧混合装置应用AT89S51单片机控制步进电机,用步进电机带动的两个阀实现对两股等压气体流量的控制,达到21%-100%任意比例的氧浓度。3、实现氧浓度等参数的智能调整和显示应用AT89S51单片机来实现对输出混合气体氧浓度的调整及氧浓度的数码显示。该研究的主要特点在于:1、充分立足医院实际,极力降低产品成本。2、完成了氧浓度21%-100%可调,精度±3%,满足临床标准。3、设备噪声、精度、安全性、可靠性达到临床使用的要求。

【Abstract】 The modern medical apparatus changes with each passing day, new technology, new method of medical emerge in an endless stream. Oxygen intake treatment which is most extensive and general used in clinical first aid, support treatment and even family health care is still adopt traditional technology, present oxygen intake treatment, except serious disease and have conditions to use top-grade ventilator which can control of oxygen intake density, adopt simple method which uses high pressure oxygen source through humidifier bottle to reduce pressure and after oxygen of higher density for patient to suck. Because of the restriction of the technological method, the concrete density of the oxygen that the patient sucks in the internal gas is unable to control quantitatively by health care workers.Present oxygen intake technical level is unsuitable for serious and regulatory requirement for clinical medical treatment, medical personnel subjective judgment or operate difference and patient that yardstick know cooperate with the difference of the intensity, which can lead the patient suck internal gas’s real oxygen density more different from the expectation of doctor.The project of development of the medical oxygen inspiration service with controllable oxygen concentration, which is based on most hospital’s three gases supply at present, on the basis of fully considering the cost of goods, build on the electronic and electrical technology, can realize the mixing of oxygen and air in free proportion exactly and can be widely used in quota control of the oxygen consumption in the clinical application.Completed the works as followed:1, Set up air-oxygen pressure balancing deviceThe theoretical foundation of device is Boyle’s law which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system.2, Set up the air-oxygen mixing deviceThe one-chip computer AT89S51 is used to control the Stepping Motor, which is used to control the flow of two gases, to reach the oxygen density of 21%-100% of the arbitrary proportions.3, Oxygen concentration and other parameters to achieve the functions of adjustment and displayIt can realize the oxygen mixture on the output adjustment and digital display of oxygen concentration by using one-chip computer AT89S51.Innovations in this study as followed:1, Fully based on the actual hospital, strongly reduce the production cost2, The completion of the oxygen concentration of 21% -100% adjustable, precision±3%, to meet the clinical criteria.3, The equipment noise, accuracy, security and reliability to meet the requirements for clinical use.

【关键词】 单片机浓度压力
【Key words】 Micro Control UnitOxygenConcentrationPressure

