

Twin-City Film in Terms of Culture Rsearch of Shanghai Images in Hong Kong Films

【作者】 史苑

【导师】 李亦中;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 上海和香港,因其特殊的地缘文化和历史渊源历来被史学界和文化界津津乐道并赋予“双城”之名。在两座城市的交流史上,电影曾作为记录社会文化镜像的载体见证了他们各自的发展与变迁,更为重要的是他们的关系在交融消长间因为电影而得到升华。战时南来北往间的艺术交流为两地的电影发展铺就了共同的精神土壤,更为之后的新浪潮导演创作的一批涉及“老上海”的影片提供了文化意义上的身份认同和历史感的素材。不同风格的镜像,不同类型的叙述,香港电影就是从“他者”的视角,用影像建构了上海独特的城市文化气质,由此也引申出一系列关于双城历史渊源和文化共性的探究。本篇论文以历史为线索,从电影的视角细细梳理上海和香港各自的城市发展史、双城文化交流史、双城合作电影的发展;并以香港电影为研究文本,以许鞍华、关锦鹏、王家卫为“风格”研究对象,以文艺电影、黑帮电影、喜剧电影为“类型”研究对象来梳理归纳香港导演、香港类型电影中所呈现出的文化特质,同时剖析香港电影选择上海作为影像建构对象的深层历史政治动因。通过研究,本文认为,香港电影对于上海的重绘,看似是一种趋向怀旧和美的记录,而事实上香港人的身份认同在有关上海的影像中得以获取和强化,把双城文化在电影层面进行了对接和延续。然而在现代消费主义文化生产的逻辑下,电影作为技术的艺术,无法避免其工业化生产的逻辑,香港电影对老上海的回望与描摩,从纯粹的寻根情结发展成有意识的构建——在选择、重组、拼贴的有意识的过程中,被历史牵绊的双城文化终究面临一场与商业化的博弈。

【Abstract】 Shanghai and Hong Kong are two cities that have common geological and cultural characteristics. They are always set to be two models in comparative study by historians and cultural scholars. As a media to convey the social changes, film witness development and transition in both cities, and Shanghai and Hong Kong are usually be known as“Twin-City”at the same time. As we can see during the war-time, culture exchanges between two cities not only cultivate environment to create films but also give the historical material and identify with self-identity of the Hong Kong people. In the view of“the other”, Hong Kong films use movies to establish the unique Shanghai metropolis features by different style and types, with which a serial of research on the history of“Twin-City”are pointed out.Standing in the point of film study and making history go through the whole thesis, this essay try to carding history of city construction, twin-city culture exchange history and twin-city film cooperation. By researching films from different directors and types, Shanghai Cultural can be easily found as produce elements in Hong Kong films and the purpose of why they establish Shanghai-images have also be known. It can be clearly seen that re-construction of Old Shanghai-images is the continue of the former culture exchange of two cities and Hong Kong people’s self-identity are also be obtain and strengthen from that. However, we can not ignore that film has become an independent industry nowadays. History has become consumer products during the process of reorganized on purpose.

【关键词】 双城上海影像风格类型香港身份消费主义
【Key words】 twin-cityold Shanghai-imagestyletypeHong Kong

