

An Empirical Analysis of Students’ Trust to SNSs

【作者】 姒琪莹

【导师】 张国良;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 SNS网站是新兴的互联网虚拟社区形态,它与传统的虚拟社区的根本区别在于SNS网站大多数用户身份的真实性。传统虚拟社区的可信度由社区成员及其提供的信息的可信度决定,SNS网站的可信度则是由其保护用户个人信息和提供社交功能的能力和善意决定。本研究使用组织学、心理学、社会学、经济学以及传播学的相关理论,以人人网学生用户为研究样本,探讨和研究四个问题:第一,探讨学生用户对SNS网站的初始信任度、随后信任度以及学生用户随后信任度形成的基础;第二,研究学生用户对SNS网站的初始信任度和其与SNS网站互动满意度之间的关系;第三,研究学生用户对SNS网站的初始信任度和其在注册SNS网站时披露的基本个人信息水平之间的关系;第四,研究学生用户对SNS网站的随后信任度和其在SNS网站披露其他个人信息的水平之间的关系。本研究的研究结果表明,首先,用户的信任倾向、用户对SNS网站所处互联网制度的认知、用户对SNS网站规则的认知、用户对来自第三方的涉及SNS网站信息的认知以及用户对其与SNS网站互动历史的认知(互动满意度)均和用户的随后信任度/水平有不同程度的相关关系;其次,用户对SNS网站的初始信任度和用户对其与SNS网站的互动满意度之间存在正相关关系;第三,用户对SNS网站的初始信任度和用户在网站注册时披露的基本个人信息水平之间不存在相关;第四,用户对SNS网站的随后信任度和用户使用过程中通过SNS网站状态栏和日志功能披露其他个人信息(最新动态、意见和观点)的水平之间不存在相关。本研究的研究结果表明,本研究所建立的信任基础—信任度模型具有合理性,这是本研究的最大贡献。此外,用户对SNS网站信任度与用户披露信息的行为之间不存在相关的结果为未来的研究提供了新的视角。

【Abstract】 Social Networking Sites are new forms of Internet virtual community. The basic difference between SNS and traditional virtual community is that most SNS users disclose their authentic identification information to the site and to the other users of the site. Hence, the credibility of SNS is based on its competency and benevolence of protectiong user’s privacy and providing services for online social interaction.Using relevant theores from organization, psychology, sociology, economy and communication research, this paper trie to solve three problems based on the samples of college student users of renren.com. Firstly, a model of trust bases which help the formation of trust is built. Secondly, the relationship between users’initial trust to SNS and their satisfaction to SNS is tested. Thirdly, the relationship between users’trust and their information disclosure behavior is tested.The study results suggest that the users’subsequent trust is positively related to all the trust bases including trust disposition, cognition of institution, cognition of rules, cognition of third-party information and cognition of interaction history with SNS(satisfaction of interaction with SNS). The results also suggest that the users’intitial trust is positively related to their satisfaction of interaction with SNS. Further, the study cannot find evidence of certain relationship between initial trust and users’information disclosure level when they registered. Besides, there is no evidence either to prove the correlation between subsequent trust and users’other information disclosure in the process of using SNS.As a contribution, the“trust base—trust”model is proved to be with reason. The empirical result that there is no relationship between users’trust and their information disclosure behavior also provides new orientations for future research..


