

A Study on the Legal Organizational Types of Onshore Foreign-Managed Ship Fund

【作者】 张少伟

【导师】 赵劲松;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 图际法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以解决当前我国造船与航运业面临的融资瓶颈为出发点,以创新我国船舶融资方式为目的,借助国外船舶基金这一特殊的船舶融资方式,深入研究在我国设立船舶基金的法律组织形式。考虑到船舶产业的发展所需融资数额巨大,因此不能仅仅依靠国有资本,必需引入民营资本。本文从引入外资背景的船舶基金管理人入手,研究其在中国法下投资运作管理中的法律组织形式。基于上述的考量,本文第一章首先对于何谓境内外资管理的船舶基金及其具体的功能进行了定义。第二章中,笔者从介绍国外成熟运作的三种不同法律组织形式的船舶基金入手,结合我国当前的法律背景进行比较,找出一种最为合适的模式。在第三章中,针对有限合伙这一拟选择的船舶基金法律组织形式的载体,考虑到外资基金管理人作为普通合伙人这一情况,进一步结合现阶段我国国家和地方层面的一系列规定,对于以何种模式来设立此类船舶基金进行了综合分析与对比。第四章则从保证内外资船舶基金公平竞争的角度入手,建议地方政府通过相关立法确立其法律地位,以更好地利用这一机制,为我国船舶融资的开拓创新发挥贡献。

【Abstract】 In light of addressing the finance bottleneck faced by our shipbuilding and shipping industries, and to create new ship finance methods in China, we did a sound research into the legal organizational types to establish ship funds in China with reference to those overseas ship fund modes. In consideration of the huge amount of capital needed in these industries, we may not rely on state owned capital only, and were required to introduce those civil capital. The article focused on introducing those ship fund managers with foreign backgrounds and studying on their proper legal organizations to operate and run the fund investment under PRC laws.In light of the above, the first chapter would give a definition on what onshore foreign-managed ship funds are and their functions. In chapter two, we would introduce three overseas sophisticated ship funds modes and to compare them with our current legal background in order to locate the most suitable one. In chapter three, with focusing on limited partnership as the ideal ship fund mode and in consideration of foreign invested fund managers as general partner, we would analyze and compare two modes comprehensively in the background of our current central and local levels of rules. In chapter four, we suggested relevant local governments to issue new rules to specify the legal status of ship funds we studied in this paper to create a level field for them to compete with their domestic counterparts, with the purpose to better use this mechanism to expand our ship finance methods.


