

Research on Physical Education Thoughts of John Locke

【作者】 吕姿樵

【导师】 李树怡;

【作者基本信息】 天津体育学院 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 约翰·洛克(John Locke,1632—1704),十七世纪英国著名的思想家、教育家,西欧早期资产阶级革命时期具有进步思想的代表人物之一,近代英国绅士教育的杰出代表。洛克的思想博大精深,现代西方教育的许多流派都可以在洛克这里找到思想渊源,是西方第一个提出并详细论证了体育问题的教育家。由于他攻研过医学,有较深的医学造诣,因此洛克的绅士体育教育思想实质是健康教育的体现,同时也是其绅士教育的重要组成部分。本文主要在参考洛克作品及前人研究的基础上,对洛克体育教育思想进行系统性的研究和论述,从洛克体育教育思想形成的理论渊源、内容与特质、贡献与影响几个方面做了比较详尽的研究和探讨。力求全面完整的展现洛克的体育教育思想,并建构了洛克体育教育思想的基本体系。获得结论如下:一、洛克的体育教育思想渊源主要来自于:一是生长环境及教育背景的影响,如成长的过程、求学的过程等。二是哲学家的影响,如培根的唯物主义经验论、夸美纽斯的人文主义等。二、洛克的体育教育思想的内涵包括:体育应与生活相结合、医疗保健与体育的整合、身心和谐的全面体育发展观、家庭体育观的确立。三、洛克对体育的贡献与影响包括:是西方首位主张身心和谐发展的教育家,确立家庭体育观在体育中的功能与地位,其影响后世的代表人物有卢梭、裴斯泰洛齐、福禄贝尔等人;在承认其历史局限性的基础上,论证了洛克体育教育思想的现实意义。

【Abstract】 John Locke (1632-1704), the famous British thinker and educator in the seventeenth century, early bourgeois revolution in Western Europe with one representative of progressive thinking, modern education in the United Kingdom the outstanding representatives of a gentleman. Locke’s thought is profound, much of modern western education can be found here. He is the Western first educator who proposed and demonstrated in detail the issue of Physical education. Because he had research in the medical, so the substance of Locke’s gentlemanly sport is a reflection of health education, but also the gentleman an important part of education. In this paper, reference to Locke’s works and the basis of previous studies, to research and discussion physical education ideas of John Locke systematic of physical education. From Locke’s theory of the formation of sources of ideas, content and nature, contribution and influence…have done a comparison of several detailed study and discussion. This paper try to show the full integrity of the physical education thinking of Locke and to build the basic ideas of physical education system of Locke. Conclusions are as follows:1. Locke’s main source of physical education from thinking: Firstly, the growth of the environment and the impact of educational background, such as the growth of him learning process.; Secondly, the influence from the philosophers such as Bacon’s empiricism materialism, Comenius’s humanism, etc..2. The connotation of physical education centered by Locke’s include: Sports should be a combination with life, health care and the integration of sports, physical and mental harmony in the overall sports development, sports concept of the establishment of the family.3. Locke’s contribution on sports and impact include: He is the first advocated the harmonious development of physical educators in the West; establish the concept of family sports in the sports function and status; his thinking has influenced on Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel and others; also, the paper recognition of the limitations of its historical and demonstrates the idea of physical education of Locke’s practical significance in finally.

【关键词】 约翰·洛克体育教育健康教育
【Key words】 John·LockePhysical educationHealth education

