

Initial Exploration of Commercial Street Design with the Cultural Attractions Theme

【作者】 陈颖

【导师】 刘彤彤;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的旅游历史悠久,自北宋时代就具有了一定的规模。秀美壮丽的自然景观和丰富的人文遗迹无疑为旅游活动提供了丰富的载体。随着现代经济和文化的发展,旅游更是成为了我国居民生活中一个不可或缺的休闲方式。据世界旅游组织预测,到2020年,中国将成为第一旅游目的地大国1。随着旅游业的不断发展和完善,文化景区需要成为具备承载大量人流的综合性观光场所,它的建设和保护涉及到考古、建筑、历史、自然等多个学科,是一项综合性很强的工作。在理想的情况下,文化景区的建设和保护应该相互促进,共同发展。但是,在实际的工程中,景区的建设和保护却常常互相矛盾。开发商基于自身的利益更多的追求文化景区的经济效益而忽视了它的文化价值,在景区中随意建造开发,破坏了景区原有的气氛,使宝贵的文化遗产遭受损失,甚至破坏了整个景区的生态环境系统。这对文化景区自身和其所在城市的发展都造成了负面的影响。将文化景区和商业结合是目前保护文化景区的思路之一,因此商业街成为了这种结合的常见载体。同时它也是展示城市魅力和文化的一扇窗口。从城市的角度看来,商业街的设计不单单要满足商业经营的基本要求,还要将新的建筑空间放在历史的大环境中接受考验。对于设计者来说,考虑的因素不仅仅是空间和建筑,更是涉及到环境保护、地域特色、场所精神以及心理学等多个领域。本文从文化景区中的商业街设计出发,探讨了如何在最大限度尊重场所精神的基础上创作出具有地域性的现代建筑。辩证性的论证了场所精神对设计既是束缚也是动力的双向作用。本文从正反两个方面讨论了文化景区中商业街设计的要点,从物质空间和地域性文化两个方向对设计进行了分析,力图对文化景区中的商业街设计做出初步的探索。论文首先从商业街发展的一般情况入手,从历史和理论方面分析了商业街的演变过程和设计理念。进而,文章阐述了文化景区的特点以及地域性和场所精神的含义。在第四章,文章针对文化景区中的商业街设计,从选址、布局、功能空间之类的物质因素到地域性表达之类的文化因素做了详细的分析。第五章中,文章结合实例对文化景区中商业街的成功和失败因素进行了总结。最后,文章结合前面的叙述提出了完善文化景区中商业街设计的建议,并且对今后的设计趋势做出了预测。

【Abstract】 China’s tourism has a long glorious history. It has a certain scale since the Northern Song Dynasty . Undoubtedly ,the beautiful and spectacular natural scenery and abundant traces of human activities provide a vrioty of carriers. With the development of modern economic and cultural , tourism has become a indispensable leisure in our country resident live. According to the World Tourism Organization predicts ,by 2020, China will become the flagship travel destination. With the continuous development and improvement of tourism , a cultural scenic resort needs to be a comprehensive tourist site which has a large carrying capacity of crowd. the construction and protection of it involves archaeological, architectural, historical, natural and other disciplines,it is a very comprehensive work.In the desirable situation, construction and protection of the cultural scenic resort should promote each other, develop together. But, in actual projects, the construction and the protection are always contradictory. Culture value of the cultural scenic resort is always neglected by the developer, based on their own benefit and the more economic benefits from it.The ruleless construction development in the resort destroyed the original atmosphere, make the scenic precious cultural heritages losses, or even destroy the whole ecological environment system. It caused a negative impact to the cultural scenic resort itself and the development of the city it belongs to .Combination of cultural scenic and business is a way to protect cultural scenic. So commercial street became a common carrier for the combination. At the mean time,It is also a window to show charm and culture of the city. To the city’s point of view, the design of Commercial Street is not just to meet the basic requirements of business, but also bring new building space into the historical environment to the proof . To the designer, the consideration not only about spatial and construction, but also to concern the environment protection, regional characteristic, resort spirit , psychology and so on.From the Commercial Street Design in cultural scenic resort, this paper discusses how to create a regional modern architecture at the basis of maximizing the respecting to the resort spirit. This paper Dialectically proofed the resort spirit which is bound for design but also dynamic, is a has a two-way binding effect. This paper discusses elementary of the commercial street design from both positive and negative aspects,to analysis the two directions in the material space and geographical distribution, trying to make a preliminary exploration in the commercial street design of the scenic area.This paper firstly begins with the Commercial Street general development, analyses the evolution and design of the commercial street from the history and theory. Then, the article discusses the characteristics of cultural attractions, as well as regional and the meaning of the resort spirit. In the fourth chapter, the article makes a detailed analysis on commercial street design of the cultural scenic resort, from site selection, layout, function space and material factors ,such the geographical expression to cultural factors. Chapter fifth, the article summarizes the success and failure factors with examples of commercial street in cultural scenic. Finally, the article combinates of the previous describing takes out the proposal on improving the design of commercial street in cultural scenic, and to makes predict on future design trend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

