

Optimum Selection of Tension Leg Platform Based on South China Sea

【作者】 李牧

【导师】 杨树耕;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球海洋石油工业不断向深海发展,我国南海深水油气开发日益受到关注。传统移动式平台的运动性能已经难以满足深水作业的要求,固定式及自重式平台的自重和工程造价又随着水深的增加而显著增大。因此,作为适应深海采油的新型平台——张力腿平台在国内外深水油气开发中得到广泛应用。首先,本文根据张力腿平台的结构特点、总体分类及国内外发展研究动态,确定选择比较的三种平台型式:传统式张力腿平台、延伸式张力腿平台及迷你海星式张力腿平台;然后,选取相同的环境条件、相同的平台上体重量与本体重量比值系数及相同的锚泊系统等前提条件;最后,运用DNV开发的船舶与海洋工程软件SESAM/ WADAM水动力模块计算在南海1500米水深波浪载荷条件下,创新性地横向比较三种型式张力腿平台的动力响应传递函数及平台响应长期预报幅值。分析了这三种平台各自的运动性能及优缺点,得出我国南海深水自主研发张力腿平台时,可以考虑采用延伸式张力腿平台的结构型式或者在此基础上向平台主体重量更轻的方向拓展。本文的工作为我国向南海深水海域开发油气资源选用何种型式张力腿平台提供最优的选型方案,进而为我国南海深海张力腿平台自主研发及结构型式创新提供一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global offshore oil to the deep sea, the exploitation of South China Sea has been paid more attention. The motion performances of traditional mobile platforms can not meet the requirements of deep sea operations. Besides that, fixed and dead load platforms will increase their weight and the project cost significantly with the increasing operating water depth. Therefore as the new deep-sea oil production platform adapt to the deep sea-Tension Leg Plat -form (TLP) in the deepwater oil and gas development at home and abroad has been widely used.First, according to the structural characteristics and the overall classification of tension leg platforms, this paper decides to choose three types: Classic TLP, Extended TLP and Mini Seastar TLP. And then, this paper sets these three types in the same environmental conditions, the same weight ratio coefficient and the same mooring systems to compare their motion performances. At last, this paper uses the hydrodynamic calculation software WADAM of DNV/SESAM to calculate these three TLP’s dynamic response transfer function and long-term prediction of motion response in the 1,500 meters’deep-water of South China Sea creatively to make analysis of their motion performances and compare their advantages and disadvantages. We get the conclution: the Extended TLP is the optimized model type in the 1,500 meters’deep-water of South China Sea, and we can develop it into the new type with less weight.In a word, this paper will afford some references for our country to make research independently in the optimized selection and structure innovation of TLP forms in deep water of South China Sea perfectly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

