

Arithmetic and Experimental Study of Micro-surface Topography Measurement Based on Dual-wavelength Interferometry

【作者】 石凤

【导师】 贾大功;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 光学工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着微细加工技术的不断发展进步和微电路、微光学元件、微机械等微表面的不断出现,对微表面三维形貌测量技术也提出了更高的要求,迫切需要微表面三维形貌测量的技术。在众多微表面形貌测量方法中,相移干涉法以其高精度和非接触的优点,得到了广泛的应用。本文在相移干涉法基础上,提出了一种双波长干涉测量方法,该方法可以直接得到真实相位分布,不需要解包裹的过程。用双波长干涉测量重建微表面形貌的算法和实验是本文研究的关键。围绕这一主要内容,所做的主要工作如下:1.从干涉的基本原理出发,对相移干涉的基本理论进行了研究,在此基础上提出了一种利用双波长干涉的微表面形貌检测方法。研究了双波长干涉的相位提取算法,其关键是初始点的相位计算和判别。该方法不需要解包裹的过程,同时也避免了由相移器引入的附加误差。2.用软件模拟了基于双波长干涉进行微表面检测的过程。首先建立理想三维物体模型,基于双波长干涉理论制作干涉图,利用本文提出的相位提取算法获取相位的真实值,获得了表面形貌。并且在干涉图上加入不同程度的高斯噪声和椒盐噪声,来评估相位提取算法的可行性和鲁棒性。3.设计了基于双波长干涉重建物体表面形貌的系统。根据系统的要求,分别给出了针孔滤波系统,扩束准直系统,干涉系统和数据接收系统的参数。4.搭建了基于双波长干涉重建物体表面形貌的实验系统,分别以平面反射镜和凹面反射镜为被测物,利用两个不同波长的激光器获得了双波长干涉图,利用本文提出的相位提取算法,提取了被测物的真实相位,获得了微表面的三维形貌。从而从实验上证明了双波长干涉方法的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the development of micro-fabrication technology, it is necessary for micro-three-dimensional surface measurement. Phase-shifting interferometry has been widely used in micro-surface topography measurement with the advantages of high precision and non-contact. In this paper, a dual-wavelength interferometry algorithm which can get the real phase distribution directly without unwrapping is presented. Theoretical and experimental studies of the algorithm based on the dual wavelength interferometry are the focus on this research. The main work as follows has been done according to this main content.1. Based on the interference theory, the principle of dual-wavelength interfere was introduced. And the phase extraction algorithm based on two-wavelength interferometry was presented. This algorithm not only got rid of unwrapping but also avoided the additional errors from phase shifter.2. The process of surface reconstruction was simulated. Firstly, the ideal model of a three-dimensional object was established, and its interferograms were made based on the dual-wavelength interference theory. Then, the value of the phase can be obtained using the algorithm mentioned above. Additionally, different levels of Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise were added in the interferograms to analyze the noise insensitive of the algorithm, and the results showed that the algorithm was insensitive to these kinds of noise which proved the feasibility of the algorithm.3. The surface morphology reconstruction system with dual-wavelength interferometry was designed. According to the actual requirements of the system, the parameters of the pinhole filter, the collimated beam expander, the interferometer and the data receiving system were calculated.4. An experimental system was carried out to get the interferograms of flat mirror and concave mirror, and further more got the true values of the phases. The results show that the dual wavelength interference theory and algorithm was correct.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

