

【作者】 薛冲

【导师】 陈祖君;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 白先勇是台湾著名作家,他的作品备受大陆读者的欢迎,其文学作品在中国大陆和台湾及世界都有广泛的影响。近年来白先勇的研究成果越来越丰富,大多学者对白先勇作品中体现出来的悲悯情怀、女性形象、佛教思想等问题有着深刻和完整的研究,并日趋丰富和完善。本文从两个新的角度对白先勇小说进行细致研究,即女鬼情结和零余者。女鬼情结既体现在作品中的人物形象中,又体现在作者创作的艺术安排上。作家主要从白色文化和鬼气气质两个方面塑造了各种女鬼形象,极度悲惨的小说情节在白先勇笔下却自然流畅,轻松的笔调背后是沉重的人生悲苦,有着诡异中的轻松与沉重。难以摆脱的死亡宿命更体现了作家强烈的女鬼情结,在结构主义叙事学看来这一情结有着深层的内涵与意义,影射了黑暗离乱的社会、揭示了生与死的二元对立与相互依存、传达了一种女性意识和现代意义。鬼,归也,最终女鬼情结归结为一种回归式生命形式的渴求。小说中有着一个特殊群体,他们漂泊在外,感受与浸染在异国的强势文化中,但内在的母体文化与其产生了强烈的冲击,他们处于一种尴尬的文化夹缝里,产生了身份认同的焦虑与无奈,成为与传统意义相似但又有所不同的零余者。无论是女鬼情结还是零余者都从不同角度构成了白先勇艺术的悲剧性,灵与肉的分离、难以摆脱的宿命、悲悯的艺术风格等构成了其悲天悯人的文学特点。

【Abstract】 Bai Xianyong is a well-known writer of Taiwan. Readers of the mainland like his works very much and the works have a wide impact.in mainland China ,Taiwan and world. Bai Xianyong‘s research results are much richer in recent years in which most scholars embody in feelings, female image, buddhism and other issues and increasingly enrich and improved. This article will study his novels from two new perspective which are Ghost Complex and Remnants. Ghost Complex embodies images of works and the art of creative arrangements.Author creates kinds of ghost image from white culture and ghostly atmosphere.Extremely tragic is described by the nutural flow in Bai Xianyong’s works.The relaxed style is behind heavy grief in which there is strange relaxed and heavy. Fate is more difficult to get rid of death which reflects writer’s strong ghost complex.Narrative literature in the structure thinks that this complex has a deeper meaning and significance.It reflects the chaos and darkness of the society,reveals the life and death of the binary opposition and mutual dependence and conveies a feminist consciousness and the modem meaning.Ghost means going home.In the final ghost complex comes down the desire of going home life from.The novel has a special group who drifts away feeling and disseminating strong foreign culture.But inner mother culture has a strong impact and they are embarrassed in two culture.Then they have anxiety and helpness and become remnants who are similer with traditional remnants and different from traditional remnants.Whether ghost complex or remnants form the art of tragic from different respect.The separation of soul and body,fate,the tragic art character constitute the character of apocalyptic literature.

【关键词】 女鬼情结诡异死亡零余者身份认同悲剧性
【Key words】 Ghost ComplexStrangeDeadRemnantIdentityTragic
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】307

