

Development of the Temperature Collection and Control Node Based on LONWORKS Field Bus Technology

【作者】 郝志文

【导师】 杨小天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林建筑工程学院 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现场总线技术是当今控制领域发展的热点之一,它促进了现代企业网络技术的快速发展,为企业带来新的生机和效益,因而得到了广泛的应用。温度是工业生产中最主要的参数之一,特别是在发酵、化工等工业中,需要长时间按一定的温度曲线对温度进行控制,温度的自动监控己经成为进行安全生产和减少损失的重要措施之一。特定场合下由于监测分站比较分散,采用传统的温度测量方式周期长、成本高,而且测量人员必须到现场进行测量,因此工作效率非常低,而且误差比较大,不能做到实时监控,不便于管理,不能适应现代化生产的要求。基于LonWorks开发平台设计的温度采集控制系统可以很好的达到上述的要求,它是利用LonWorks开发平台,通过外围接口电路以及上层的控制界面,实现对温度的实时采集。通过LonWorks网络通信,实现数据的相互传输、存储和实时监控、迅速诊断等功能,是进行自动监控的一种高效、智能系统。满足现代化生产对温度的要求。本文是利用Lonworks总线的开放性、互操作性等特点设计、开发温度采集控制节点的。所设计的节点是基于芯片之上,控制模块由神经元芯片TMPN3150B1AF和双绞线收发器FTT-10A构成,外围电路由温度采集电路、A/D转换电路、D/A转换电路以及电源电路组成,其主要作用是实现对温度的采集、控制,以及对整个温度采集控制系统中节点提供电源。然后分别从硬件和软件两个方面进行介绍,硬件方面主要是LonWorks控制模块与外围电路的设计,而软件方面主要是针对现场节点的数据采集、数据控制的实现。接着介绍了LonWorks网络设计,包括PCLTA适配器、网络集成工具——LonMaker、网络软件工具——LNS DDE Server以及动态数据交换协议,最后还介绍了一下网络的测试与验证。

【Abstract】 Fieldbus technology is one of the hottest development of today’s control area, It promotes fast development of modern enterprise network technology, brings new vitality and effectiveness to enterprises, therefore it has been widely used. Temperature is one of the most important parameters of industrial production, especially in the fermentation and chemical industry,temperature controlling takes a long time according to a certain temperature curve, temperature automatic controlling has become one of the important measures of the safe production and reduce the loss. Because the substations of monitors are scattered, if using traditional method, the cyele is long and the cost is high, moreover, the survey crew must be measured to the local Point, so efficiency is very low, produce large errors, and can’t do real-time monitoring, not eonvenient to manage, not adapt to modern production. Based on the Platform of LonWorks, the temperature collection and control system can achieve the request well, using the platform of LonWorks, through the periphery circuit and the upper control interface, achieve real-time collection of temperature. Through the LonWorks network communication, realizes the functions of data transmission, memory and real-time monitoring, fast diagnosis and so on, it is an intelligent and highly effective system in automatic monitor. Satisfy the temperature requirements to modern production.This thesis use openness, interoperability and other features of Lonworks bus to design and develop the temperature collection and control node. The node is based on the chip, the control module is consisted by Neuron chip TMPN3150B1AF and twisted pair transceiver FTT-10A. the periphery circuit is consisted by temperature collection circuit, A/D conversion circuit, D/A conversion circuit and power circuit, its main effect is to realize collection and control of temperature, and provides power to the nodes of the entire temperature acquisition and control system. Then, respcetively carries on the introduction in view of the temperature system from the hardware and the software, in the hardware aspcet is the LonWorks control module and the periphery cireuit design, in the software aspect is mainly aims at data sample and date control. Then introduce the design of LonWorks network, including PCLTA adapter, network integration tools——LonMaker, network software tools——LNS DDE Server and the Dynamic Data Exchange protocol, finally, introduce the testing and validation of network.


