

Research on the Ad-Company Management Mode under Media Convergence Circumstance

【作者】 夏江南

【导师】 杨林聪;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 传播学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国信息传输技术特别是网络技术的飞速发展及普及应用,我国经历着新的媒介变革即“媒介大融合”。广告从形式、创作途径、投放方式、传播方式、设计理念等都发生很大变化。这样媒介融合下的广告环境发生急剧变化。媒介融合内容的规模化生产使得广告的空间得以变大,媒介融合的差异化需求使得广告空间变得狭窄,而广告的融合特性使得广告空间变得模糊。相应的,广告公司在这种媒介融合背景下的经营模式也将发生变化。本文根据企业实现价值的方式探讨广告公司在媒介融合背景下的经营模式,即成本领先模式、差别化模式和目标集聚模式。首先阐述了媒介融合对这三个广告经营模式的影响,媒介融合丰富了广告成本构成、降低了广告发布成本和减少了广告交易成本。媒介融合对广告公司经营的影响从“及时及地”的广告服务、以受众为主线的创意制作、与受众以前生活的广告理念、多维立体的媒介组合四个方面加以阐述。媒介融合时代受众的媒介接触习惯发生变化、受众广告素养提升、受众广告要求得以改变。然后阐述在媒介融合时代的广告公司经营三种模式创新。成本领先模式通过融合集群系统化、广告投放精准化、广告形式多元化、广告传播全网化得以实现。媒介融合背景下的差异化模式从整合融合系统架构、开拓全新广告项目、创新受众广告设计加以阐述。目标集聚模式从散小客户的规模化服务、融合集群的集聚服务、特定社区的整合服务三方面加以阐述。随着媒介融合的越来越深入,广告公司经营的模式创新势在必行,本文仅从成本领先模式、差异化模式和目标集聚模式进行探讨,在媒介融合背景下此三种模式的创新经营,旨在对广告业界提供更好的经营参考,为广告公司在媒介融合背景下的经营更科学、合理化提供帮助。

【Abstract】 With the development of informational skill and internet skill, new medium as cell phone begins to meets people’s information needs of anytime and anywhere. The converge of media content, media internet and media final changes people’s media-contact habit and the requirement of the advertisement. People in the environment of media convergence don’t like stiff ads, like ads broadcasted between teleplay and other terrific entertainment programs. People now begin to require the combination of ads and entertainment itself. They love participating in the ads and the relevant activities. The audience also wants to participate in the working process of the ads. They prospect the ads include the ideas and design of their-owns. They make the ads leisure and make the ads satisfy people’s property use and information needs anytime and anywhere. Thus the ads is doom to change from the form, making channel, broad way, transmit way and the design ideas. Large quantity of media convergence produce increase the ads space, the different produce of media convergence reduce the ads space and the convergence characteristic of ads fuzzy the ads space. So the management of ads-company under media convergence environment has to be changed.The thesis is about to discuss the following three management mode which are classified from the profit way of the company, the cost leadership mode, the differentiation mode and the target focus mode. Firstly, the thesis depicts the media convergence affect the there modes. The effect on cost leadership from: ads cost composition, ads promulgation cost and ads trade-off cost. The effect on the product and service from: professional ads service, ads idea and making. The effect on the target audience from: the audience’s media contact habit, the ads attainment, the audience’s ads requirement. Then explain creatively the new management of ads-company. The cost leadership from: the use of media convergence group, the accurate broad, the new ads form, the new ads transmission. The differentiation mode from: the combination between media convergence system, the new ads program, the audience’s ads design. The target focus mode from: small and scattered audience enlargement service, the gathering service of the media convergence group, special community service.The thesis discusses the cost leadership mode, the differentiation mode and the target focus mode. The three new management mode under the environment of media convergence is to provide the guide for the ads company.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F713.8;G206
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】942
  • 攻读期成果

