

Study on Evaluation Method of Eco-city Based on Emergy and Ecological Footprint Model

【作者】 李建

【导师】 张宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文进行了能值—生态足迹模型在生态城市评价方面的研究,目的是准确把握城市生态性建设的现状与未来发展趋势,探索变化过程中暴露出的不良状况并做出预警,从而保障城市良好的生态性,为城市社会、经济、环境的可持续发展提供科学依据,主要的工作包括:首先,对国内外生态城市建设及评价现状进行综述。分析评价的重点与难点、优势与不足,并对目前使用较多的方法进行对比,探索适用于不同类型城市并能真实反映城市生态性状况的评价方法。其次,对传统生态足迹模型进行分析与归纳,寻找模型在生态城市定量化评价方面的优缺点。针对传统模型中基于静态封闭系统的假设、忽视区域功能定位之间的差异、基于空间互斥性的假设、低估人类主观能动性的作用等缺陷,在生态足迹模型的框架下利用能值理论对传统模型的缺陷进行改造,形成能值—生态足迹模型的计算方法。改进后的模型充分考虑了城市生态系统的开放性,人的主观能动作用及破坏性、物质的投入产出性等因素,在城市生态承载力的计算中,根据前人提出的自然生态承载力、产品产出的生态承载力概念,提出了人工生态承载力和虚拟产品供给的生态承载力的概念,并对它们进行了具体的量化计算,可以真实的反应城市的生态承载力以及考察不同区域的功能定位差异和比较优势;在城市生态足迹的计算中,将废弃物排放所造成的生态足迹占用也纳入评价体系之中,使得生态足迹的计算结果更加全面。通过2007年天津、上海、重庆三市的生态足迹计算与分析,对改进后模型进行检验,结果显示,改进后的模型可以在一定程度上克服传统生态足迹模型的缺陷,更加客观的反映城市的可持续发展状况。最后,将能值—生态足迹模型运用到天津市2001—2008年生态城市建设效果的评价之中,从生物产品、能源等多个账户及生态足迹多样性指数等一系列评价指标的角度,对天津市的生态承载力和生态足迹进行了动态分析,取得了满意的效果。

【Abstract】 This article had a study on evaluation of eco-city based on Emergy and Ecological Footprint model, aiming to grasp the status and future trends of urban ecological construction accurately, explore the undesirable conditions in the changing process and do a warning, thereby ensure the well ecology and provide scientific basis of social-economic-environmental sustainable development of city. The main works are following:First of all, this paper reviewed the status of construction and evaluation of domestic and international eco-city and analyzed the emphasis and difficulty, also the advantages and disadvantages of evaluation. Then different types of methods were compared to explore a way which can reflect the ecological situation of city truly.Secondly, this paper analyzed and generalized the traditional Ecological Footprint model in order to find the advantages and disadvantages of model in quantitative evaluation of eco-city. The traditional model has a few defects, such us based on static and closed system assumptions, ignore the differences between the orientation of regional function, based on space mutual exclusion hypothesis, and underestimate the role of human initiative. In order to overcome these flaws, this article used Emergy theory to modify the traditional model and formed the calculation method based on Emergy and Ecological Footprint model.The improved model considered lots of factors, such as the open of urban ecosystem, the initiative and destructive role of people, input and output of material and so on. In the calculation of ecological carrying capacity, the article proposed and quantitative calculated the artificial ecological carrying capacity and ecological carrying capacity of virtual product supply based on the natural ecological carrying capacity and the ecological carrying capacity of product output, which could reflect a real status of the ecological carrying capacity and study the functional orientation differences and comparative advantages between different regions. In the calculation of ecological footprint, the ecological footprint of waste discharge which was also included in the evaluation system made the result of ecological footprint more comprehensive. Then the article took the statistics of Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing in 2007 as cases to calculate and analyze the three cities’ecological footprint, on this basis, we tested the improved model. The results showed that the improved model could overcome some shortcomings of the traditional Ecological Footprint to some extent, and reflected the cities’sustainable development objectively.Finally, the Emergy and Ecological Footprint model was applied to assess the eco-city construction results of Tianjin in 2001-2008. This article made a dynamic analysis from bio-products, energy and other accounts, and a series of evaluation index, such as ecological footprint diversity index, on Tianjin’s ecological carrying capacity and ecological footprint and achieved satisfying results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

