

Study on the Development Countermeasure of the Institution of Geological Higher Education in China Based on SWOT Analysis

【作者】 陈佳佳

【导师】 祝士明;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 行业特色型大学在我国高等教育体系中占据重要地位,是促进我国经济发展、社会进步的中坚力量。地质类高校是我国行业特色型大学的典型代表,对该类院校的发展改革的探讨,不仅能促进地质类高校的可持续发展,同时对我国行业特色型大学的建设具有建设意义。本研究的目的就在于通过对地质类高校系统的分析,提出对地质类高校发展有益的对策及建议,旨在促进地质类高校的可持续发展,对高校发展战略理论作有益的补充。地质类高校发展策略的制定,必须以其特定的内外部环境进行全面深入分析为前提。对外在环境的分析就是要找出组织发展可能存在的机会和威胁,对内在环境的分析就是要找出组织自身具备的优势和存在的劣势。本文运用SWOT分析方法,将地质类高校发展的关键的机会和威胁突显出来,同时通过对环境变化适应能力的分析,确认地质类高等教育的实力和弱点,为提出地质类高校发展的合理优化的对策提供了客观需要和现实可能。然后,在此基础上提出了符合地质类高校客观需要的可持续发展的对策和建议,这也是本文的创新点。根据综合分析,地质类高校应该抓住机遇,强化基础,突出实践;加大对地质教育的投入;创新机制,合理规划;培养地质类高校学生的敬业精神;采取多渠道、多方式办学;并希望国家有关部门出台相应政策给予保障,为我国地质类高校的可持续发展创造更好的环境。

【Abstract】 Industry special type of the university in our higher education system occupies an important position; it is to promote our economic development and social progress of the backbone. Geological university is a typical feature school of the University of Industry; through the deep research of this type of university we can not only promote the sustainable development of geological higher education, but also having very important point of our university building. The purpose of research is through the analysis of the geological higher education system, proposing useful suggestions and countermeasures to promote the geological higher education. And also the theory conducive to the university development strategy.To decide the development strategy of geological university, we must be in the specific internal and external environment for an in-depth analysis of the premises. The reason to the external environment analysis is to find out the opportunities and threats of the organization that might exist. As the same time, the reason to the inner environment analysis is to find out the advantage and disadvantage of the organization. The thesis uses the SWOT analysis methods as to present the key opportunities and threats of the geological university that will be develop. At the same time through the analysis of the adaptation of environment, we can confirm the strengths and weakness of the geological higher education. These provide the objective needs and practical possibility to promote the geological university’s development. Then on that basis proposed recommendations of the geological university sustainable development. This is also of this article points.According to comprehensive analysis, the geological university should seize the opportunity, fortificate basics, and outstanding practices, spend on education in the geological, innovate mechanism, and make comprehensive and well-considered plans. We must create a better environment to promote the geological university of sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】P5-4
  • 【下载频次】221

