

Study of the Social Learning Effect of Heterogeneous Investors in the Artificial Stock Market

【作者】 吴广龙

【导师】 任达;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的金融理论往往假定投资者是完全理性同质的,但是投资者异质性和有限理性是不争的事实。随着金融市场异象的不断发现,关于投资者完全理性的假设受到越来越多的挑战。投资者的有限理性和动态学习变化适应性往往会对股票市场产生很多影响。金融系统是一种复杂性适应性系统。股票市场中有大量不同投资者,各个投资者的思维习惯、主观偏好以及行为方式等截然不同,并且交易者的这些特征又是不断发展变化的。市场中的个体在这种持续不断的交互过程中不断地学习并根据学习得到经验改变自身结构和行为方式;各个底层个体通过相互作用,在整体层次上涌现出新的结构和更复杂的行为,本文正是基于这种思想考察了在金融市场上社会学习行为的影响。基于agent的计算实验金融学是随市场微观结构、行为金融学、复杂性系统理论和计算机技术不断发展而交叉形成的一种自底而上的研究方法,通过复杂性系统涌现等方法研究金融市场的问题。本文以圣塔菲研究所的人工股票市场为基础构建了基于交易者社会学习机制的人工股票市场。设定多个异质交易者,交易者通过社会学习实现进化和适应环境。每个交易者的交易规则共同组成公共规则集,公共规则集的演化和学习靠遗传算法来实现。本文分析和研究了在不同学习速度下,交易者社会交互学习行为对金融市场宏观层面和交易者微观层面的影响。得到了如下结论:社会学习是引起股票价格大幅波动的原因之一,社会学习不能使股票价格收敛于有效市场假说下的理论价格,模拟出了与真实股票市场相类似的一些典型特征如股票价格的尖峰肥尾性、波动聚集性等。并在微观层面上分析了交易者的股票持有量和财富水平等。

【Abstract】 It is often assumed that investors are completely rational and homogeneous under traditional financial theory. But more and more anomalies in security market doubt the assumption that investors are perfect rationality. The investor’s heterogeneity and bounded rationality is an indisputable fact. Bounded rationality and dynamic learning of investors the stock market change adaptation will often produce a lot of impact.Financial system is a complex adaptive system. There are a number of different heterogeneous investors in the stock market. The habit of thinking, subjective preferences and behavior way of investors are different. And these features of investors are constantly changing. In this ongoing process of continuous interactive learning and learning by experience, the individual in stock market changes his own structure and behavior. Underlying interaction of each individual emerged new structures and more complex behavior in the overall level. This article examines the impact of social learning in the financial market based on this idea of complex adaptive system.With the development of computer technology and finance theory agent-based computational finance becomes a new research field of finance. It is based on theories including the finance market microstructure, behavioral finance and complex systems theory. Study on financial issues makes use of emergence methods of complex systems. In this paper, a new artificial stock market (ASM) in which investors have the ability of social learning is built, based on Santa Fe Institute artificial stock market. In this artificial stock market, the heterogeneous investors evolve and adapt to the environment through social learning. Public rule set is composed of the transaction rule of each investor. And the public rule set evolves by genetic algorithm. This paper analyzes and researches the impact of social learning in the different learning speeds on financial market and micro-level investor. In this paper the following conclusions are obtained. Social learning is one of the reasons of the stock price volatility. Stock price in the artificial stock market can’t converge to the theoretical price under the efficient market hypothesis. And the artificial stock market simulates some typical characteristics of the real stock market. These typical characteristics include the spike and fat tail of stock price, and volatility clustering of stock price. And stock holdings and wealth levels of investors are analyzed in the micro-level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F224;F830.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161

