

Research on Quantity Flexibility Contract Model in Financial-constrained Supply Chain

【作者】 李青

【导师】 彭岩;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 供应链是由多个企业组成的一种动态联盟,其中每一个企业属于不同的经济实体,以各自目标最大化来进行决策,从而使供应链面临着“双边际化效应”以及“牛鞭效应”。有效的供应链契约可以用来协调供应链中各方的利益关系,合理地在供应链成员企业间分担风险,加强企业间的合作,实现供应链的协调。目前供应链契约的研究主要集中在资金充足的情况,然而随着全球经济的发展和市场竞争的加剧,供应链企业较普遍存在资金约束的问题,尤其是中小型企业。本文将供应链下游企业面临资金约束时的融资方式分为两种:供应链外部融资和供应链内部融资,并将供应链融资方式融入到资金约束型供应链中,在一种特殊的供应链契约——数量柔性契约的基础上,探索基于最优融资模式的契约协调,使结合资金因素的数量柔性契约更符合实践要求。通过研究得到以下主要结论或管理启示:(1)相对于仅采用外部融资而言,当供应商信用较好时,采用内部融资不仅可以降低资金成本,而且有助于激励零售商订购更多的产品,使供应链绩效达到最优;(2)调节内部融资利率对供应链有一定的协调作用,但相对于调节数量柔性大小来看,其协调作用有限。供应商在激励零售商时,应以数量柔性大小为主要的协调手段,融资利率的调节仅可作为一种辅助方法。

【Abstract】 Supply chain is a dynamic alliance consisting of many enterprises which belong to different economic entities and make decisions with the aim of benefit maximization respectively, which contributes to double-marginalization effect and bullwhip effect on supply chain. Effective supply chain contract can be used to coordinate benefit-based relationships and assign risk-sharing among every member of supply chain, reinforce the collaboration of enterprises, and realize the coordination of supply chain. Now most of researches on supply chain contract are made on the assumption that supply chain members don’t face any financial constraints which is ideal. With the development of global economy and intensifying market competence, it is ubiquitous that enterprises of supply chain face financial constraint problems, especially small and medium enterprises.Dividing supply chain enterprises’financing ways into external financing and internal financial, this paper introduces financing ways into financial-constrained supply chain and searches after supply chain coordination on the basis of quantity flexibility contract under the best financing way, which makes the supply chain contract more practical.We got those following conclusions.Firstly, compared to external financing, while the supplier is a good credit rating company, internal financing can not only reduce the capital cost, but also is helpful to encourage the retailer to order more products, and thus makes supply chain more profitable. Secondly, setting internal financing rate is helpful to coordinate supply chain but its effect is limited compared to the flexibility of quantity. While motivating the retailer, the supplier should adjust the flexibility of quantity as well as the flexibility of quantity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【下载频次】243

