

Supplier Quality Management Supporting Localization in Company E

【作者】 王晓京

【导师】 何桢;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国对可再生能源领域开发的深入,越来越多的国内外风力发电设备制造商和零部件供应商在中国发展壮大,随之而来的是设备整机及相关配套部件制造商之间的竞争日益激烈。随着客户和市场的要求不断提高,这种竞争不仅体现在单纯的价格和成本的竞争,更多体现在零部件质量及其组装整机的功效、质量上,同时还对制造商的服务和交货期等其他因素提出了更高的要求。E公司是一家欧洲风力发电设备制造商,其装机容量位居行业前三位,自2006年起在中国天津设立4个工厂,与此同时开始全面开发本地货源,实施零部件国产化战略,在此过程中由于在追求项目速度和成本的同时未能与供应商质量管理有效的结合,造成部分项目的延期、停滞甚至失败,严重时会影响到生产计划的执行。所以只有有效的建立支持国产化开发的供应商质量管理体系并付之实践才能保证公司整体国产化战略的顺利实施。本文共分为五部分,第一部分首先介绍了E公司及其所处的风电行业背景,选题的意义和研究内容。第二部分基于供应商管理理论分析了目前E公司的供应商管理现状和问题。第三部分分析了目前供应产品的管理流程和存在的问题。第四部分介绍了国产化开发对供应商管理的新要求。第五部分通过对国产化项目的开发和供应商质量管理流程的分析,探讨两者结合的方式,阐述了支持国产化开发的供应商质量管理方案和应用。最后根据前面分析与研究的结论,提出进一步发展和研究的方向。

【Abstract】 More and more international and local wind energy equipment manufactures and component suppliers have got prominent growth along with deep development of regenerative energy field in China. According to the high level requirements from customers and markets, the competition of equipment and component suppliers are not only focus on the cost but also on the quality, efficiency, delivery, and service.Company E is a famous wind energy equipment manufacture in Europe, the capacitance of equipment mounting is in the top level of the world. E company has invested 4 plants in Tianjin of China from 2006 and lunched components localization strategy at the same time. But some projects were postponed, delayed even failed because the projects development only stressed speed and cost, didn’t combine with supplier quality management. So only by the supplier quality management supporting localization development establishment and practice, the localization strategy can be ensured.There are five sections in this discourse. The wind energy industry, background of company E and contents of study are introduced in first section. The second part analyzed current supplier management of E company base the theory of supplier management. The components supply process and problems in E company are introduced in third section. The fourth section focuses on new requirements of supplier management supporting localization development. Last section provides a blue print of new supplier quality management supporting project localization. The conclusion of this study and direction of further development are in the finality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】91

