

Research on New Mode of Operation for Slop Cut in Cyclic Total Reflux Batch Distillation

【作者】 徐利

【导师】 白鹏;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 制药工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 间歇精馏由于其高纯度、易操作等优点在制药、精细化工等化工行业广为应用。循环全回流间歇精馏操作方法可以减少间歇精馏时间,提高产品纯度,可在最短的时间内将轻组分从塔顶馏出,具有分离效率高、控制简便、对扰动不敏感、易于操作等优点。目前循环全回流间歇精馏的研究基本上集中在操作方法的理论研究方面,并且仅限于二元物系的研究,而使其在工业应用中受到局限。本文针对已有研究的不足,进行了三元物系循环全回流间歇精馏的操作方法的研究的模拟研究和实验研究,采用理论板辅助设定控制参数,并在塔中增加一个中间储罐用于过渡馏分阶段的采出和回流过程,通过模拟计算方法确定回流罐的设计参数及带中间回流罐循环全回流间歇精馏多温控制的控制策略用于三元物系的分离过程的可行性。实验结果表明:本文以甲醇-乙醇-正丙醇为实验物系,采用加有中间回流罐的循环全回流间歇精馏多温控制策略,使精馏塔的利用率更高,过渡馏分的采出量和采出时间都较恒回流比更短。采用这种新的控制策略,使甲醇的产量提高了26.2%,过渡馏分采出量减少了39.3%。确定了采用塔中回流罐的循环全回流间歇精馏操作策略的可行性。

【Abstract】 Cyclic total reflux operation is one of the new operating modes of batchdistillation. This operation is one of the most promising modes of batch distillation forits unique advantages over conventional partial reflux mode in highest enrichingefficiency under total reflux and fastest product collection under total withdrawal,together with high efficiency, energy saving and convenient controlling. Fewresearches are focused on the development and optimization of the control method forthis new operation mode which needs more precise and optimized control in order togive full play to its potential.Operation strategy of cycle total reflux batch distillation with middle reflux drumwas studied in this paper. Operation steady flat was put forward and tri-componentmethanol-ethanol-propanol was adopted as the experimental mixture to validate theseparation process. According to this new operation strategy, tri-temperature controlstrategy was referred with multi-temperature sensors. Combined with systemidentification and predictive control theory, an on-line control platform wasconstructed and experiment as well as simulation was executed in order to getfeasibility verifying.Contrast simulation and experiment of constant reflux ratio withmulti-temperature control strategies were carried out. Seven temperature sensors,equally distribute along the column, were used to control the alternation of the statesof total reflux and total withdrawal of the column and in result to keep the column runwith the highest enrichment efficiency,。The results indicated that with this newoperation and control strategy, the productivity increased 26.2%, the amount ofcollecting slop cut decreased 39.3%.The product yield increases and the amount ofslop cut decreases significantly with the same product specification. Therefore,multi-temperature control strategy holds obvious advantage over the other strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

