

Research on Integrated Photovoltaic Sandwich Panel and Structural & Insulation Behavior

【作者】 夏印之

【导师】 査晓雄;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 土木工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着石油、煤炭等传统能源的日渐紧张,几乎取之不尽用之不竭的太阳能的开发利用逐渐被提上日程。太阳能发电等工程的规模逐渐扩大,并且开发了一系列的光伏产品。众多建筑的表面一般情况下光照充足,可以为太阳能发电提供场所,这样就可以大大降低建筑本身的能耗。但传统的光伏产品不容易在建筑中安装,况且零散的太阳能电池板会影响建筑本身的美观,有时还会留下一定的安全隐患。所以业主们对太阳能产品在建筑上的应用态度较为消极。针对上述情况,本课题将调查现在关于光伏产业的相关政策、光伏一体化板的发展现状和太阳能电池板的工作原理。对四种可能的一体化形式做了可行性的分析论证。将光伏板与夹芯板结合在一起,研究开发一种新型的太阳能一体化板。因为在本课题的一体化板中的电池板需要满足一定的温度需求,所以本课题中考虑晶体硅电池温度与转化效率的关系,在一体化板中设置通风道,使得电池板的温度不会过高,并将采用现有的热学理论对一体化板进行了热学分析设计,将得到合适的通风槽的高度和宽度。对于一体化板力学性能的研究本课题中将参照荷载规范和幕墙规范等对光伏板进行设计,对一体化板中的电池板并做力学的等效模型等效分析。最后使用有限元软件ABAQUS分别进行了热学和力学性能的有限元分析,分析中将模拟聚氨酯、岩棉以及聚苯乙烯泡沫等三种芯材和多种尺寸的模型,并对模型做了比较和相应的优化。使得把光伏板成为一个结构构件,并能满足承载力的要求,同时本文中还将进一步研究一体化板的强度相对与普通夹芯板的强度提高值,即钢化玻璃板对夹芯板的强化效果并给出相应的评价指标。除此之外,本文中还研究了一体化板的隔热保温性能,并与没有玻璃板的普通夹芯板的隔热性能进行比较。鉴于条件有限,不能对一体化板进行具体的试验,但希望本文的理论研究对以后的太阳能与建筑一体化的相关研究有一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 With traditional energy sources becoming increasingly tense such as oil, coal and so on, solar energy development and utilization has been put on the agenda. The scale of the Solar power project is gradually expanding, and have been developed a series of photovoltaic products. The surfaces of many buildings have sufficient sunshine ,so they can provide sites for solar power utilization, that the energy consumption of the building itself can be greatly reduced. But traditional photovoltaic products is not easy to install on the building. Moreover, solar panels scattered on the buildings itself will affect the beauty, sometimes leaving potential security risks. This caused that building owners insisted a more negative attitude on applications of solar energy products.In response to these circumstances, this paper make an investigation on the PV industry policies, the development of photovoltaic panel and the working principle of solar panels. This paper have made a analysis about the feasibility of the four possible integrated forms of. Photovoltaic panels and sandwich panels. Through this work ,we can make a new integrated panel. The paper considered the relationship between temperature and conversion efficiency in the crystalline silicon cells, so the ventilation roads have been set up in the integration board to make the temperature of the battery plate will not be too high. Also this paper has made the thermal analysis and design on the integration panel with the existing theory; Thick design of the photovoltaic panels refer to loads norms and curtain wall norms in this paper, and making a equivalent mechanics model. In the final the panel were made finite element analysis using ABAQUS about the thermal and mechanical properties, in which models include the polyurethane, rock wool and polystyrene foam as core material and a variety of sizes of the panel. In final the models were compared and optimized. Make the photovoltaic panels as a structural component, and can meet the loads’requirements, and integrated board also has very good heat insulation effect. Given the limited conditions, there is no specific test, but wish to my theory research can provide some help for the concerning research in the future.

【关键词】 光伏一体化太阳能夹芯板
【Key words】 photovoltaic panelintegretedsolar powersandwich panel
  • 【分类号】TU18;TU111
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】211
  • 攻读期成果

