

Finite Element Analysis on Hysteretic Behavior of Plate-to-shs Connections

【作者】 侯文景

【导师】 武振宇;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,方形管由于其优良的经济性能和结构性能,被越来越多地用于桁架结构的弦杆和框架柱中,用于替代传统的H型钢和工字型钢构件。这样,传统的较方便的由节点板连接支杆件的节点,则须将节点板沿着弦杆轴向方向焊接到方形管上。目前这种纵向板管连接方管节点的抗震性能国内外还没有相关研究,尤其对于有弦杆轴向力的情况、支杆与弦杆夹角为非90度的Y型连接的情况和节点受弯的情况。本文采用大型有限元软件ANSYS对纵向板管节点承受轴向往复荷载作用下的滞回性能进行了相关理论研究。通过分析节点的滞回曲线、骨架曲线、滞回环面积曲线和能量耗散系数曲线,研究了纵向板管节点的抗震耗能性能。对比分析了T型节点和Y型节点的抗震耗能性能,为此种连接的抗震设计提供了理论依据。由于纵向板管节点的刚度很小,在轴向力作用下,板管连接处容易产生过大的变形,承载力较低。为了减小纵向板管连接的变形,采用一种贯穿的纵向板管连接以提高节点的刚度。由于贯穿的板管节点同时与弦杆上下两个表面连接,节点的刚度提高约为原来的两倍,因而节点连接处的变形减小,承载力则会相应的增大。本文将进行此种“改进”形式的板管连接节点的滞回性能分析,并与相应的普通连接节点比较,以研究贯穿板管连接节点的抗震性能。最后,探究了纵向板管节点受弯时,其耗能性能随各几何参数的变化规律,明确了节点受弯时的抗震耗能能力,并对相应的K型板管节点进行了初步分析。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the Square Hollow Structure Sections(SHS), with its high economical and structural efficiency, is more and more widely implemented into truss and frame structures as chords and columns, replacing the traditional H-sections and I-sections.This replacement requires a change to traditional jointing method,which means the gusset plate has to be welded to the face of SHS in a direction parallel to the chord instead of welded to the H-sections or I-sections. At present, researches on the seismic behavior of this longitudinal plate-to-SHS connections are rare, and few articles are found either in China or abroad. What’s more, this need of further researches is even more urgent considering the following three unstudied conditions in this type of joint:1) chord subject to axial compression; 2) Y-shaped joint where the brace plate and the chord are not perpendicular to each other; 3) a joint under bending moment.Hysteretic behavior of the longitudinal plate-to-SHS connections under axial circle loads was studied by finite element analysis software ANSYS in this paper. Analysis of the hysteretic curves, skeleton curves, the area of hysteretic loop curves and the energy dissipation factor curves were carried out to clarify the seismic energy dissipation ability of the plate-to-SHS connections. Comparison between the T-joint and the Y-joint is also done, making a firm basis of theoretical evidence for the design of this type of joint.A longitudinal branch plate-to-SHS connection tends to cause excessive distortion of the SHS connecting face. Such a connection therefore results in a relatively low design resistance usually controlled by deformation limit state. A”through”branch plate connection that extends through both walls of the SHS member can be used to increase the connections rigidity as two times of a standard longitudinal plate connection to reduce the deformation and increase the design resistance of the connection. In this paper, analysis on the hysteretic behavior of this type of improved plate-to-SHS connection is made and comparison with the traditional longitudinal branch plate-to-SHS connection is performed to demonstrate the hysteretic behavior of the through branch plate connection.At last, the variation regularity of the seismic performance with parameters of the longitudinal plate-to-SHS joints under bending was studied to clarify the seismic energy dissipation ability of the connections. Primary analysis of K-type plate-to- SHS joints is done also.


