

Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza on Cleaner Production of Rice

【作者】 张淑娟

【导师】 马放; 王立;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 微生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球水环境问题的加剧,许多国家逐渐意识到面源污染在水体恶化过程中扮演的重要角色。面源污染中对水体危害最大的首推农业面污染源。水稻作为世界上最重要的粮食作物,其产量和种植面积均为各作物之首。随着水稻产量的提高,农药和化肥的施用量不断增加,农业面源污染也随之加剧。同时水稻是湿生作物,这一特性导致了最严重的污染物扩散问题。针对以上情况,本文以水稻(Oryza sativa L.)为实验材料,将丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)技术应用到水稻的清洁生产中,研究了丛枝菌根菌剂的低成本制备及水稻—菌根耦合体系的构建方法,并确定了不同侵染程度对水稻及基质的影响,在此基础上探讨了菌根对水稻的影响机理,为菌根技术用于水稻的清洁生产提供指导,并为农业面源污染的源头减量开辟新方向。在菌剂制备过程中,利用稻草、稻根、20%强度营养、50%强度营养、80%强度营养五种强化措施,高粱生长的第20天、40天、60天根系AMF的侵染率表明在实际生产中稻草强化优势是经济成本较低而20%强度营养强化则是菌剂质量较高。且此两种基质吸湿水含量及pH值与非强化对照相比变化不明显,保证了菌剂生产的生态安全性。在水稻—菌根耦合系统构建过程中,发现播种接菌和移栽接菌两种接种方式下对菌根形成造成的差异不显著。但移栽接种则更适合田间试验,便于模拟实验和生产实践的比较。通过比较五种栽培密度下AMF(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)的侵染率及水稻株高、叶面积、出穗率等相关生长指标,确定1150棵/m2~1650棵/m2的栽培密度为盆栽试验的最佳栽培密度区间。通过分析5种有效接种剂量下AMF和水稻的发育状况及基质理化性质的变化,最终确定130 g/盆的接种剂量为最佳有效接种量。在菌根效应验证试验中,人工强化水稻根部AMF的侵染率与自然基质条件相比提高了68%。AMF强化使水稻的株高、总生物量、根系总表面积、产量分别提高了20.6%、30%、36.6%、45.3%。同时AMF强化既提高了水稻叶片光合作用能力又降低了叶片呼吸速率。人工强化接种对水稻基质的吸湿水含量、pH值、细菌及放线菌数量都无显著变化。另外AMF强化使水稻基质有机质、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量分别提高了24.9%、13.7%、14.8%、15.1%。

【Abstract】 The non-point source pollution has attracted more and more attention in the whole world along with the global water environment problems increasingly serious. Agricultural pollution as one of the most serious non-point pollutant source made a great contribution to water pollution in the northeast of China. As the most important crop in the world, rice has the most yield and planting area of all the crops. The improvement of the rice yield depended on the extensive use of pesticide and fertilizer, which leads to the agricultural non-point source pollution. Rice likes wet, this characteristic gave rise to the most fearful diffusion of pollutant.In view of the above situation, rice (Oryza sativa L.) was selected as experimental material, and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) inoculation technique was applied to the cleaner production of rice. The methods of cheap preparation for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculum and rice-mycorrhiza coupling system construction were studied. Meanwhile, the influences and possible mechanism of different level of AMF infection to rice and matrix were discussed. AM techniques provided guidance for the cleaner production of rice and new direction for the source reduction of agricultural non-point source pollution.Five treatments, including straw, paddy roots, 20%, 50% and 80% intensity of nutrition, were utilized in the preparation of AMF inoculum. AMF infection rate were analyzed on the 20th, 40th and 60th day of sorghum growth. Results showed that in the actual production the straw strength measure had high infection rate and low cost. While, AMF infection rate was much higher than others under the 20% intensity of nutrition. Much more, the difference of wet absorption water content and pH value of substrate within the two treatment were not obvious, which ensured the ecological safety of AMF inoculum.In rice-mycorrhiza coupling system construction, the difference of mycorrhizal formation from two types of inoculation was not significant. But transplant inoculation was more suitable for the facilitate simulation and comparison for the production practice. AMF infection rate, stem length, leaf area and the rate of ear were detected in five planting density and the interval 1150 strains of every square meter to 1650 strains of every square meter was the best planting density in pot experiment. Based on the analysis of development status of AMF and rice, the physical and chemical properties of matrix was inoculated 5 effective inoculation doses of inoculum, 130 g of every basin was considered as the best effective dose of inoculum. In mycorrhizal effect validation tests, compared with natural matrix conditions, AMF infection rate was improved 68 % by artificial inoculation. The stem length, total biomass, total surface area of root and yield of rice were increased by 20.6%, 30%, 36.6% and 45.3% respectively. While artificial inoculation not only increased the photosynthet ic capacity but also reduced the blade respiratory rate of rice. The effects of artificial inoculation on moisture absorption water content, pH value, the numbers of bacteria and actinomycete were all not significant. In addition, organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium of matrix increased by 24.9%, 13.7%, 14.8% and 15.1%, respectively, by artificial inoculation.


