

Water Treatmen Process Control Software Design and Implementation

【作者】 朱琳

【导师】 刘晓为;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国污水处理监控技术起步晚,水处理和监控技术远远落后与发达国家。然而我国现阶段采用的监控软件均为组态软件,开发和应用成本高;同时组态软件的代码不开源性使水厂监控软件的升级和维护困难,难以满足不同水厂监控系统的特殊性要求,灵活性差。同时硬件设备多采用有线的控制系统,维护费用高,安全性差。根据以上国内水厂监控系统的缺点,实验室开发了一套基于无线通信的污水处理工艺流程实时监控系统,包括监控软件和硬件平台,本人的主要工作是为该系统开发水处理监控软件,来实现水处理工艺流程的实时远程监控功能。在详细分析国内外发展现状之后,确定了监控软件的设计方案,将软件框架化分为三层结构:客户端应用程序、服务器应用程序和数据库。监控软件的设计均采用模块化设计,优点是便于软件的修改、升级和维护。客户端应用程序开发的主要模块包括:各个工艺流程界面模块;日志、用户及设备管理模块;及用户登陆模块。通过控件的形式完成水厂现场各个设备的监控功能,最终实现了美观、清晰、交互友好客户端程序。服务器应用程序的开发,包括了通信模块、持久层模块、自动控制模块以及日志模块。在通信模块的开发过程中应用了Apache MINA服务器架构,使网络通信编程清晰、简单;根据客户端和服务器程序的开发的需要,在数据库中建立了10张表结构,同时在与数据库间的通信中应用了Hibernate中间件技术,使数据库的操作变得简单安全;自动控制模块的开发中应用的是PID控制算法实现污水处理监控系统的溶解氧自动控制算,并对自动控制效果进行了仿真。经过系统联调,软件运行正常,实现了监控系统对上位机监控软件功能所提出的要求。

【Abstract】 The problem of lacking water is restricted in its economic development for the bottleneck. The World is widely concerned due to water treatment and water recycling. However, monitoring technology of sewage treatment in China was carried out lately. Meanwhile, the monitoring systems and equipments of water treatment process have to be imported from abroad. Our governments at various levels have also put large amounts of funds into the monitoring systems and equipments of water treatment.MEMS Center, Harbin Institute of Technology for the sewage treatment plants develop to sewage treatment process real-time monitoring system. The system includes monitoring software system and hardware platform. My main task is to prepare for the applications software system of water monitoring system monitoring system. The applications software framework consists of three tiers: Client application, Server application and databases.The design of Monitoring software was realized by using modularized software design method, which achieve the objective of remote system maintenance and upgrade. At first, the dominant module of client application: process interface module; logs, user and device management module; user Login. Design of client based on completion, to achieve beautiful, clear, and user-friendly client interaction. The application server module include: communication module, automatic control, log module, etc. MINA techniques developed for communication module; Hibernate middleware use in database operations; the PID control algorithm for maintaining the dissolved oxygen concentration for automatic control module. According to the development of client and server, establish 10 table structures in the database.Accomplished the debugging and testing, the software runs properly. The result demonstrated that the demand of the monitoring supervision software was realized.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】293

