

Reseach on Master Hand with Force Feedback in Remote Operation Facing Surgery

【作者】 李长军

【导师】 王武义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着遥操作机器人在外科手术中应用的不断发展,力反馈主手发挥着越来越重要的作用。力反馈主手是遥操作过程中的关键部件,是从端机械手进行实时运动控制的输入设备,又是反映从端机械手与环境之间相互作用力的一种力觉输出设备。本文结合国家“863”计划项目“微创腹腔外科手术机器人”并基于国内外力反馈主手的研究现状和发展趋势,对面向外科手术的力反馈型遥操作主手进行研究。首先根据主手性能指标与主手设计原则,按照外科手术机器人机械臂运动特点把力反馈主手设计为串并联混合型结构,并进行了自由度的相应配置,选择了并联机构和串联机构的构型,对3-RUU并联机构进行了运动学及静力学分析,给出了串联机构的正解表达式和主手整体正解表达式。其次根据主手运动学及并联机构静力学特点,对主手的各组成部分进行了机械结构设计,包括基座、并联机构、串联机构、夹持机构等,完成了力反馈主手虚拟装配及静刚度分析。完成了力反馈主手实际装配。最后结合力反馈主手机械结构设计及在腹腔镜手术中的应用要求,完成了三维力反馈电机和夹持力反馈电机的选型,设计了主手的控制系统,搭建了控制系统硬件,编写了基于控制卡的力反馈主手控制程序,完成了三维力反馈实验、夹持力反馈实验、重力补偿实验,并对实验过程和实验结果进行了分析。

【Abstract】 With the constant development of tele-operate robot applications in surgery, master manipulator force feedback is playing an increasingly important role. master manipulator force feedback is a key component for the process of tele-operate, and that is the slave manipulator input devices in real-time motion control, and that is reflected the force between slave manipulator and the environment as a the haptic output device.This paper combines the national "863" project, "minimally invasive abdominal surgery robot" and is based on development research of master manipulator force feedback in domestic or abroad , doing research on master manipulator force feedback of tele-operate robot in surgery.First performance indicators under the main manipulator performance index and the master manipulator design principles, in accordance with the characteristics of surgical robotic arm movement to master manipulator force feedback designed for series-parallel hybrid structure and conducted the corresponding degree of freedom configuration, and selected series of parallel institutions and configuration of bodies, analysing kinematics and static of the 3-RUU Parallel Mechanism, giving the Expression of positive solutions of series mechanism and whole Expression of positive solutions of master manipulator .Then, under the characteristics of the main manipulator kinematics and parallel mechanism static, designed the mechanical structure of the main manipulator’s components, including the base, parallel mechanism, series mechanism, clamping mechanism and so on, completed stiffness analysis of the master manipulator of force feedback . completed the actual assembly.Finally, combined with the master manipulator of force feedback mechanical design and the requirements in laparoscopic surgery, designed the main manipulator control system, set up the control system hardware, given the physical map, programmed master manipulator of force feedback control procedures based on the control card, completed a three-dimensional force feedback experiment, clamping force feedback experiment, gravity compensation experiment, and analyzed the experimental procedure and experimental results.

  • 【分类号】TP242.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】446

