

Research on Optimal Power Flow in Operating Network of Black Start Service Combination

【作者】 高楠

【导师】 柳进;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 电气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年初我国南方地区遭受了严重的冰雪灾害,多个电网大面积停电。黑启动的目的就是在大停电事故后,迅速、可靠地恢复电力系统的正常运行。当电网发生重大灾害事故时,要通过黑启动保障社会正常运转以及抗灾抢险的重要用户的供电。地市级电网制定黑启动方案时,需要选择本地区有自启动能力的机组作为黑启动电源。长三角、珠三角等平原地区工业发达,许多企业拥有自备柴油机组、容量也较大。结合这些缺乏水电机组的地市级电网的实际情况,本文提出了将用户企业的自备柴油发电机作为黑启动电源的“黑启动服务组合”方案。黑启动电源的作用是恢复系统内重要负荷的供电,为此构建了黑启动服务组合运行网络。该网络由分布式的自备柴油发电机、待启动机组与连接它们的黑启动路径组成。网络的主要任务就是快速向本地电厂提供厂用电,启动火电机组。火电机组陆续启动后,就可以恢复地方电网的重要负荷,保障应急供电需求。柴油机发出的启动功率经运行网络送出时,其值远小于线路的输送容量,网络处于轻载状态,输电线路呈容性。柴油发电机的容量较小,吸收无功功率的能力弱,因此在运行网络中要考虑发电机的自励磁问题。在黑启动服务组合运行网络的构建阶段,本文通过工程判据分析发电机带单条空载线路时的自励磁情况,提出了此阶段避免自励磁的解决方案。在运行网络向燃煤机组供电时,对网络进行稳态分析并得出了规避自励磁的调控准则,据此建立了黑启动服务组合运行网络的优化潮流模型。考虑到发电机发出容性无功功率时易发生自励磁,本文通过优化潮流调整潮流的分布以避免网络运行时自励磁现象的发生,采用了原—对偶内点法对优化潮流进行求解。本文结合江苏省电力公司提出的“电网生命线”工程,以江苏某地电网为例进行了黑启动初始电源方案的研究。对电网进行了分区,在分区内建立了黑启动服务组合运行网络,并对其中的自励磁问题进行了分析。优化结果表明,原—对偶内点法优化潮流计算求取网络运行的工作点是可行的,运行网络可以避免自励磁的发生。

【Abstract】 A severe snow disaster hit China Southern area in early 2008 while blackout happened in several power systems. The purpose of black start is to restore power system quickly and reliably after blackout. When serious disasters happen in power grid, power supply must be provided by black start for the emergent power demand of social security and emergency rescue.When black start plan of regional power grid is making, local generators which are able to start up by themselves are selected to become black start units. Many enterprises own large backup diesel generators in Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta developed areas. Based on actual situation of these city power grids which are lack of hydroelectric units, a plan called“black start service combination”(BSSC), i.e. self-provided diesel generators of enterprises are used as the black start units, is proposed in this paper. The effect of black start units is restoring the power supply for important customers, so BSSC operating network is needed to form. BSSC operating network is composed of distributed backup diesel generators, awaiting start-up unit and transmission lines connecting them. The main task of operating network is providing auxiliary power for local plant, starting up thermal power unit. After thermal units start on by one, important load of local power grid can be restored and emergency power supply demand can be satisfied.When start-up power of diesel generators is transferred by operating network, the power is much smaller than normal transmission capacity of lines. Therefore, the network is under lightly loaded condition, and the transmission lines occur capacitive. The capacity of diesel generators is small, the ability of absorbing reactive power is weak, and so the problem of generator self-excitation is worth considering in operating network. When BSSC operating network is constructed, the self-excitation of single generator energizing single transmission line can be analyzed by engineering criterion, and a solution is proposed to avoid self-excitation in this period. When thermal unit is supplied by operating network, an analysis of operating network is made to obtain the operating characters of such network, and then an optimal power flow modal of BSSC operating network is built. Considered that self-excitation may happen when generators generating capacitive reactive power, so it can be avoided by optimal power flow when network is operating, primal-dual interior point algorithm is adopted to solve optimal load flow in this paper.According to“power grid lifeline”project proposed by Jiangsu electrical power company, a certain power grid of Jiangsu is used as a testing system for researching on the plan of black start units. Power grid is divided into several zones, BSSC operating network is built in every zone, and then the problem of self-excitation is analyzed. The results demonstrate that the working point given by interior point optimal load flow is feasible, and BSSC operating network can solve the self-excitation problem.


