

Research on Disinfection Factors of Monochloramine in Circulating Cooling Water System of Nuclear Power Plant

【作者】 王胜龙

【导师】 赫俊国;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 能源是社会发展的重要支柱,核电以其消耗少、产能大、对环境的污染少的优点作为重要的新兴能源。冷却循环系统是核电站稳定运行的保障,在该系统内存在大量的微生物和金属离子等腐蚀系统、恶化水质的问题,抑制微生物和金属离子的影响是目前研究的热点。本研究以丹皮尔核电站为研究对象,利用丹皮尔核电站的冷却塔模型,对采用一氯胺消毒剂进行研究试验,分析一氯胺的稳定性、动力学方程以及生物膜和金属元素影响等问题。考察一氯胺的稳定性影响因素。使用空白水样和冷却原水,采用DPD显色分析方法对即时的剩余一氯胺浓度进行分析。结果表明:一氯胺的稳定性受到N/Cl2、温度、pH和蒸发的影响。N/Cl2越大,温度越低,pH越高,会使一氯胺越稳定。但是考虑到经济效益等因素,核电站采用的一氯胺条件为:N/Cl2=1.05,系统内平均温度为35oC,原水pH约为8.5。以天然原水为循环水介质的一氯胺消耗动力学符合一级反应的动力学模型,其反应速率常数为0.002min-1。对核电站冷却水循环系统中微生物进行分析,培养填料表面的生物粘膜七天可稳定,并且其微生物生长曲线特征为:开始培养后三天生物粘泥进入对数期,七天后成形,十天后稳定;经平板培养法及菌落群体和个体的观察进行菌种鉴定试验得知,生物粘泥的细菌包含假单胞菌属、葡萄球菌属、短芽孢杆菌属的菌类;一氯胺的消耗主要来于固相(填料表面)和液相两部分,不放置填料时,6小时液相消耗一氯胺18.8%;放置填料时,固液两相共同消耗一氯胺60.3%,固相消耗是液相的两倍以上;在一氯胺循环投加时间为6~8小时时,塔前加氯发挥的效能好于池中加氯。由于管道通常采用金属管道,因此进行金属元素的影响研究。在固相中(填料表面),铁元素对一氯胺有一定分解作用,并且一氯胺的消耗量与填料表面的铁元素比重呈正比关系,符合关系式:y=0.359x+57.7;液相中的铁在系统条件下不会影响一氯胺的分解;在液相中,铜离子会与一氯胺发生反应,从而影响一氯胺的消毒效率,一氯胺分解量与液相中铜离子的浓度成正比关系,关系式为:y=0.013x+21.21;锌、锰离子在液相中不会对一氯胺分解造成影响。对核电站冷却水消毒剂一氯胺的研究,可以对核电站的稳定运行提供保障,对我国核电水系统的设计与运行管理提供技术支持与指导。

【Abstract】 Energy is the prop of development of human society. Nuclear power, as a newenergy has advantages as: it cost little but generate lot, and it leads very littlepollution to the environment. The cooling circulation system ensures the stableoperating, while in the system there is a large number of microbes, these microbescan corrode the system and deteriorate the water quality, in that way the system cannot operate normally, so the disinfection is imperative. The research works with themodule of cooling tower of nuclear power plant of Dampierre, we study on thestability, kinetic reaction, biofilm on packing and influence of metal elements ofmonochloramine.First of all, we study on the stability of monochloramine. We use the method ofDPD to measure the residuel concentration of monochloramine with blank waterand raw water. From the results we know: the stability of monochloramine isinfluenced by N/Cl2, temperature, pH and evaporation. When N/Cl2 is high,temperature is low, pH is high, monochloramine is very stable. However weconsider the factor of economy, the final condition is: N/Cl2=1.05, the averagetemperature is 35 oC in the system and pH of raw water is environ 8.5. Moreover,we study on the kinetic of consumption of monochloramine as a desinfect in orderto determine consumption of monochloramine with raw water is first-order kineticreaction, and the rate constant is 0.002 min-1.Raw water from river of Loire is used in cooling system of Dampierre nuclearplant, it has nice quality as cooling water; the biofilm on the packings grow normallyas theoric curve of growth of microbe,and can be stable in seven days; we identify thespecies of the microbes, and we find Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Bacillus inthe biofilm. the consumption of monochloramine has two parts: solid phase(surfaceof packing) and liquid phase(raw water). When we donot put in the packings, wehave only liquid phase consumption, which cost 18.8% of monochloramine; andwith the packings, both the solid phase and liquid phase consume 60.3% ofmonochloramine, solid phase is more than two times than liquid phase; as thecirculant time is 68 hours to add monochloramine, it is more efficient to addbefore the cooling tower than in the cooling pool.From the researches on metal elements we can find that: in solid phase, ironcan decompose some monochloramine, and the consumption of monochloramine isproportional to the proportion of iron on surface of packing, the relationship is:y=0.359x + 57.7; in liquid phase, iron cannot influence monochloramine, but cupric ion can consume monochloramine with relationship: y=0.013x + 21.21; zinc ion andmanganese ion cannot consume monochloramine.The research provide s some support to new energy trend of human society andto environment. The research results can also make China’s nuclear power systemdesign and operation of water management to provide technical support andguidance.


