

Research on Adult Instructional Design in Classroom of Students-based Educational Philosophy

【作者】 王瑾瑾

【导师】 乐传永;

【作者基本信息】 宁波大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪,终身教育与终身学习迅猛发展,人类正向学习型社会不断迈进。成人是社会生活中的主体成员,成人教育已成为我国国民教育体系中的一个重要组成部分。因此,优化成人教学,帮助成人学会学习,已成为我国发展成人教育的重要步骤。成人教育对象的特殊性客观上决定了成人教育“学决定教”的特征,而生本教育则为我们提供了这方面成功的范例。生本教育是以学生为本、以学为本的教育,是一种依靠学生、为学生设计的教育思路和教学方式,在成人教学中实施生本教育具有丰富的理论基础和实践的客观依据。课堂教学是成人教学的重要形式之一,课堂教学设计则是成人课堂教学的重要环节之一。成人教育也应把生本教育理念引入课堂教学系统,以成人学生为本,开展课堂教学设计,培养成人学生学会学习的能力。本研究试图通过对生本教育理论与实践的归纳和总结,结合成人课堂教学现状的调查与分析,针对其中存在的问题,从生本教育的角度探讨成人课堂教学设计及成人教学的新途径。本文主要内容如下:第一部分:绪论。本部分重点阐述了本论文的研究背景、研究目的与研究意义,同时对相关研究综述以及研究的思路与方法也作了较详细的介绍。第二部分:本研究的相关理论概述。本部分主要是对生本教育、教学设计的基本概念的阐述,并对与生本相对应的传统的“师本”教育进行了辨析和说明。第三部分:生本教育理念下的成人课堂教学设计的理论基础。本部分从心理学、哲学以及系统科学的角度出发,主要探讨了成人课堂教学设计实施生本教育的理论基础。第四部分:成人课堂教学现状的相关调查及分析。本部分主要是对成人教育课堂教学现状调查结果的阐述,并在分析调查结果的基础上揭示成人课堂教学存在的问题,阐明开展成人课堂教学设计的重要性。第五部分:生本教育理念指导下的成人课堂教学设计构建,这是本论文研究的核心内容。本部分首先阐述了生本教育理念指导下的成人课堂教学设计的原则,接着根据成人课堂教学中存在的问题和生本教育理念的要求提出了成人课堂教学设计的具体实施策略。第六部分:研究中的不足与展望。在这部分中,笔者比较客观地总结了研究中尚未涉及的问题与不足之处,以及本研究有待进一步深入研究与探索的问题。

【Abstract】 In the new century, with the rapid development of lifelong education and lifelong learning, our human is moving forward to the learning society. As we all know, adult is the main member of society, and adult education has become the important component of the national education system. Therefore, optimizing the adult instruction and assisting them in learning how to learn, this has become the significant step in the development of adult education. Objectively, the particularity of adult educational object determines the characteristics of“learning decides teaching”in adult education. At the present time, students-based educational philosophy is a successful sample.Students-based education is a student-oriented and learning-oriented education, which are educational ideas and teaching methods relying on and designing for students. There are many profound and theoretical and practical bases of implementing the students-based education in adult instruction. Classroom-teaching is an important form of adult instruction; meanwhile, instructional design in classroom is an important part of classroom-teaching. Adult education should also introduce the students-based educational philosophy into classroom-teaching system, then implementing the instructional design based on adult students in classroom to cultivate the ability of learning how to learn. My thesis attempts to accord as the induction and summarizes about the theory and practice on students-based education, combines with the investigation and analysis of the status in quo about adult instruction, aim at the problems in the classroom, and finally probe into the new ways of adult instructional design in classroom from the perspective of students-based educational philosophy. The main contents of the thesis are as follow:Part one: Instructions. This section focuses on the background, the purpose and the significance of the research. Besides that, it also makes a detailed instruction about relevant research overview and research ideas and methods.Part two: Summarizes of some relevant theories in this research. This section mainly expounds the basic concepts about students-based education and Instruction Design, and makes the analysis and description of the traditional“teachers-based’education, which is corresponding to the students-based education. Part three: The theoretical basis for the adult instructional design in classroom-teaching under the students-based educational philosophy. This section mainly discuss the theoretical basis of develop the students-based education in the adult instructional design from the psychology, systems science and philosophy point of view.Part four: The investigation and analysis of the status in quo about adult instruction. This section is a main description of the investigation results about adult instruction in classroom, and reveals the problems in the adult classroom-teaching on the base of results analysis, then illuminates the importance of instructional design.Part five: The idea of the adult instructional design in classroom-teaching under the students-based educational philosophy, which is the core of the thesis. Firstly, this section describes the principles about the adult instructional design in classroom-teaching under the students-based educational philosophy, and then it puts forward some specific implementation strategies, which are according to the problems in the adult classroom-teaching and the requirements of the students-based educational philosophy.Part six: The shortages and the prospects in the research. In this section, I give a summary of my thesis objectively and list out my achievements, defeats and unmentioned problems. Besides that, I also list out problems that are needed further exploration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 宁波大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

