

The Empirical Study of the Effect Customer Value to Customer Loyalty Under B2C E-commerce Environment

【作者】 赵法敏

【导师】 陶勇;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由电子商务创造的新经济模式逐渐改变了人们的生活方式,消费者的购物习惯也发生了很大的变化,网上购物的消费方式越来越受到人们的欢迎。但由于受较低的转换成本和丰富的网络信息资源的影响,网络顾客极容易改变其购买对象而使得其对企业的忠诚度大为降低。因此,如何在电子商务环境下提高顾客的忠诚度,减少顾客的流失率,维护良好的客户关系,已成为众多从事网络营销的企业十分关注而又迫切需要解决的重大课题。本文以顾客价值理论、顾客忠诚理论和顾客满意理论为研究基础,以网络购物商店为研究对象,探讨了在B2C电子商务环境下顾客价值对顾客忠诚关系的影响。本文将网络顾客价值分为四个维度:产品感知价值、顾客服务价值、购物体验价值和消费风险,并把网络顾客满意作为网络顾客价值和网络顾客忠诚的中间变量,构建了“网络顾客价值--网络顾客满意--网络顾客忠诚”的结构模型,提出了研究假设,进行了问卷调研,并运用SPSS13.0对实际调研获取的数据进行了信度分析、效度分析和假设检验。最后,根据数据处理的结果得出了如下研究结论:1、网络顾客价值对网络顾客忠诚有直接显著的正向影响。网络顾客价值四个维度检验结果为:体验价值、消费风险和服务价值对网络顾客忠诚有直接显著的正向影响,产品价值对网络顾客忠诚没有直接显著的影响。2、网络顾客价值对网络顾客满意有直接显著的正向影响。网络顾客价值四个维度的检验结果为:消费风险、产品价值、体验价值和服务价值都对网络顾客满意有直接显著的影响,并且影响作用依次减小。3、网络顾客满意对网络顾客忠诚有直接显著的正向影响。4、网络顾客满意在自变量服务价值、体验价值和消费风险与因变量网络顾客忠诚之间存在部分中介效应。本文的研究成果,可以应用于电子商务企业为创造顾客价值所进行的各项活动,通过创造顾客价值,达到顾客满意,进而形成顾客的持久忠诚。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce ,consumer’s shopping habits has undergone a drastic change, e-commerce has created a new economic model,which has gradually changed people’s way of life. As an important part of e-commerce, online shopping becomes more and more popular. With the online shopping rapid development, there should not be neglected Customer draining. How to improve customer loyalty to prevent the loss of customers for online shop in e-business environment , which is of great significance.This theory based on customer value, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction,and the theory reaserch online shopping store as study target . In this study, the network is divided into four dimensions of customer value: product perceived value, customer service value, consumer shopping experience and online shopping risk, and research customer satisfaction as the middle variable between customer value and customer loyalty , empirical study of the relationship between E-customer value and E-customer loyalty .Firstly ,this article reviewed the related literature home and abroad , based on this ,create a "network of Customer Value - Network customer satisfaction - customer loyalty network" model, and then proposes a hypothesis of this study. Secondly, after analysis of the data obtained by actual survey, data were reliability analysis , validity analysis and hypothesis testing by SPSS13.0 . Finally, according to the results of data processing,we reached the following conclusions.1、The E- customer value has a direct positive effect to the E-customer loyalty. The E- customer value of the four dimensions’s test results : experiential value, online shopping risk and service value have a direct positive effect with the E-consumer loyalty , the product value has no direct significant impact with the E-consumer loyalty.2、The e-customer value has a direct positive effect with the e-customer satisfaction.The E- customer value of the four dimensions’s test results: online shopping risk, product value, experience value and service value have a direct and significant impact with the e-customer satisfaction , and the influence was reduced.3、The e-customer satisfaction has a direct positive influence with the e-customer loyalty .4、The e-customer satisfaction has a part- effect between the independent variable service value, experience value, online shopping risk and the dependent variable the e-customer loyalty.Results of this study can be applied to e-commerce enterprises to create customer value of the activities carried out, through the creation of customer value, achieve customer satisfaction, thus forming a lasting customer loyalty.

  • 【分类号】F274;F724.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】757
  • 攻读期成果

