

Evaluation of the Reinforcementpiate Size on Flange-Plate-Reinforced Connction

【作者】 王健

【导师】 王燕;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在1994年美国北岭(Northridge)地震和1995年日本阪神(HanshinAwaji)地震中,常规的钢框架梁柱节点产生了大量的脆性破坏。震后世界各国专家进行了大量的试验研究和理论分析,并提出了多种新型延性节点,包括加强型延性节点和削弱型延性节点。本文研究的翼缘板加强型节点属于加强型延性节点。翼缘板加强型节点的工作原理是:通过在梁端焊接加强板以提高梁端的截面塑性抵抗矩,使梁端塑性铰的位置外移,远离受力复杂且脆弱的梁柱翼缘连接焊缝,达到提高节点延性,避免节点脆性破坏的目的。本文依据美国规范FEMA-350和国内相关规范的设计方法与构造要求,设计了4个缩尺比例为1/2的钢框架翼缘板加强型节点试件,进行翼缘板加强型节点在低周往复循环荷载作用下的试验研究,分析加强板长度和厚度的变化对节点抗震性能的影响。试验现象表明:4个翼缘板加强型节点试件均在加强板外侧约1/3倍梁高位置形成塑性铰,远离柱翼缘,保护了梁柱节点连接焊缝,属于延性破坏。通过对4个试件的试验数据分析得出:(1)4个试件均具有良好的抗震性能。滞回曲线丰满,滞回面积比较大,节点的塑性转角均大于3%rad,总转角均大于5%rad,延性系数大于3.0,达到抗弯钢框架抗震性能良好的最低标准。(2)在加强板一定长度范围内,随着加强板长度的增加,试件的极限承载力会有明显的提高,但延性和耗能性能减弱。(3)加强板长度越短,节点承载力越小,耗能能力越强,但长度过短时,塑性铰不能有效地外移,因此建议加强板长度取值范围为(0.5~0.8)倍梁高。(4)在加强板一定厚度范围内,随着加强板厚度的增加,试件的极限承载力无明显变化,但延性和耗能性能减弱。(5)随着加强板厚度的增加,节点承载力无明显变化,延性和耗能能力却有所减弱,所以加强板厚度不宜过大。因此建议加强板厚度取值范围为(1.0~1.3)倍梁翼缘厚度。

【Abstract】 The conventional steel frame beam-column joints had a lot of brittle failure,which wasin the Northridge earthquake in United States at 1994 and Hanshin Awaji earthquake inJapan at 1995. After the earthquake,National experts have had a large number ofexperimental studies and theoretical analysis, and proposed a variety of new ductile joints, including reduced ductility joints and reinforced ductility joints. In this paper, theflange-plate reinforced joints is reinforced ductility joints.The works of flange-platereinforced joints is: through welding a reinforced plate at the beam-end to improve themoment of the beam-end section, the plastic hinge has been taken away from thecolumn-flange weld which is brittle and suffered complex stress to achieve the purpose ofimproving the ductility of joint to prevent brittle fracture.According to the FEMA-350 and the relative standards of design and constructionrequirements,four Steel frame flange-plate reinforced joints were designed at 1/2 reducedscale in this paper,and flange-plate reinforced joints were experimental studied undercyclic loading, the influence for seismic performance form he strengthen and thickness ofreinforce-plate were ansysed. Experimental phenomena that he plastic hinges of the fourreinforced joints specimens all formed at the position where away from the end ofreinforced plate about 1/3 beam depth,which is awy from the column flange,beam-column joints to connect the protection of the weld, are ductile failure.The Data Analysis show that:1) 4 specimens showed good seismic performance. Fullhysteresis curve, the hysteresis area is relatively large, Plastic rotation of joints greaterthan 3% rad, the total angle is greater than 5% rad, ductility factor greater than 3.0, whichachieved good seismic performance of steel frame bending the minimum standards.2)When the length of reinforce-plate within a reasonable size, with the length ofreinforce-plate increases, the ultimate bearing capacity of specimen will be significantlyincreased, but decreased ductility and energy dissipation. 3)the length of reinforce-plate isshorter, the ultimate bearing capacity is lower, the capacity of energy dissipation is higher,but the short length, the relocation of the plastic hinge can not effectively, thereforeproposed to strengthen the board length range (0.5 to 0.8) times as high beam.4) When the thickness of reinforce-plate within a reasonable size, with the thickness ofreinforce-plate increases, the ultimate bearing capacity of no significant change, butdecreased ductility and energy dissipation. 5) With the thickness of reinforce-plateincreases, the ultimate bearing capacity of no significant change, so the thickness ofreinforce-plate should not be too large. Therefore proposed to strengthen the range ofthickness values (1.0 to 1.3) times the beam flange thickness.


