

Evaluating on Phenotype Diversity and Construction of Primary Core Collection of Grape Germplasm

【作者】 刘鑫铭

【导师】 张国海; 刘崇怀;

【作者基本信息】 河南科技大学 , 果树学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是葡萄属植物(Vitis L.)的原产国之一。据不完全统计,中国葡萄种质资源圃现收集保存葡萄种质1500余份,基因资源异常丰富。本文以国家果树种质郑州葡萄圃950份种质为材料,在表型性状调查的基础上,运用DPS3.01统计软件,对供试材料进行核心种质初选。主要结果如下:1.对供试资源的性状进行了主成分分析,第一到第十五主成分代表了总体性状的65.23%;从各性状在十五个主成分下的贡献率可以看出,嫩梢梢尖花青素分布、新梢节间匍匐绒毛密度、幼叶花青素着色程度、成龄叶裂片数、成龄叶上裂刻基部形状、成龄叶横截面形状、成龄叶上表面泡状凸起、果穗基本形状、果粒形状和颜色等32项性状很好地反映了品种间的差异。2.统计了葡萄32项主要表型性状的不同表型种类及其分布频率,认为葡萄成龄叶以五角形和楔形居多,成龄叶叶柄洼开叠以半开张和轻度重叠类型占绝对比例;绝大多数叶柄洼无锯齿;果实以圆形、黄绿色类型居多。3.计算一层分组下各小组遗传多样性指数。各组在综合性状上的多样性指数不同,同一性状在不同小组间多样性指数也存在差异。结果为:欧亚种>近美洲种>赛比尔系>巨峰系>山欧杂种>东欧杂种>美洲种。4.依据分组和不分组的方法分别取样,分组后小组内采用平方根比例,按照15%、20%、25%和30%的初选比例分别抽样,3种方法下4种比例抽取的种质数量依次为:124份,170份,205份和252份核心种质。但初选具体种质存在较大差异。5.采用遗传多样性指数、表型保留比例及质量性状分布频率等参数检验初选核心种质对整体资源的代表性。综合各指标认为,一层分组聚类15%比例下初选核心种质对原始种质的表型保留比例和性状的遗传多样性指数代表性均达到96%,因此,将其作为葡萄初选核心种质。6.对中国野生及砧木葡萄资源单独筛选,依据分组及其重要性各初选了9份资源进入初选核心种质库。将一层分组聚类15%比例下的初选种质加入中国野生及砧木葡萄种质,共同构成葡萄的初级核心种质(共142份种质)。本试验在表型性状调查的基础上,分析了葡萄种质的遗传多样性并构建了初级核心种质,对其它果树种质资源的研究也起到很好的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 China is one of the major gene centers of Vitis species origination. For incomplete statistics, China have collected and preserved more than 1500 grape varieties in resources nursery, the number of the germplasm is very large. 950 germplasm growing in grape resources nursery of‘Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute of CAAS’were used as materials, primary core collection of grape were established based on the phenotype diversity by using the DPS3.01 software.1. Main component analysis of phenotype characters was conducted and it showed that the top fifteen components explained 65.23% information. Tn terms of contribution of characters, the anthocyanin distribution of the tip of young shoot, prostrate hairs density on internodes of shoot, anthocyanin colouration intensity of young leaf, number of lobes of mature leaf, shape of the base of upper sinuses of mature leaf, profile of mature leaf, blistering of the upper side, shape of bunch, shape and color of berry etc showed the difference between cultivars better than the other characters.2. Thirty-two major characters were graded based on the distribution analysis and a model was selected for each grade. Most of the shape of blade of mature leaf are pentagonal and wedge-shaped, the shape of petiole sinus are semi-wide open and slightly-open, tooth at petiole sinus are absent, shape and color of berry are round and green-yellow.3. The shannon-weaver indexes by one layer was calculated in this paper, each region has different genetic diversity index of comprehensive characters and each character has difference in different group. Results and orders of each region were V.Vinifera.> Relatives of V.labrusca> Seibel>Kyoho.4. All the germplasm were divided into 9 regions according to germplasm types, each region sampled by square root strategy with sampling ratio of 15%、20%、25% and 30%, respectively obtained 124, 170, 205and 252 germplasm. Two layers and gradually cluster analysis sampled by the same strategy and ratio, obtained the same quantities germplasm. 5. The representative of primary core collection was also tested by using genetic diversity index, reserving phenotypes of characters and distribution frequency of qualitive characters. The results indicated that, the core collection assembled by the ratio of 15% very likely represents the great majority of the genotypes and genetic diversity of original populations.6. The wild grape and rootstocks were specially treated, respectively selected 9 germplasm into primary core collection. Added cluster sampling at the ratio of 15%, finally the core collection including 142 cultivars of grape was established.The shannon-weaver indexs and constructed the primary core collection of grpe was analyzed based on the phenotype types of grape, it also has reference function for other fruit trees.


