

The Research in Legal Questions of Patent Evaluation

【作者】 张英怀

【导师】 王瑞龙;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 专利评估是专利产业化的重要环节,也是专利运用的重要一步。随着2008年《知识产权战略纲要》的公布和知识产权评估制度建立,以专利为主的知识产权的运用是知识产权力量的表现,也是知识产权战略实施的落脚点。法律是市场经济健康运行的保障,因此,从法律角度研究专利评估具有非常重要的现实意义和战略意义。文章共分五个部分。第一部分从专利评估的基本理论概述入手,对专利评估的特征、情形以及意义进行了分析。从专利评估的基本概述出发,进而研究了专利评估的基本特征并阐述了专利评估的情形和专利评估的意义。也从一定程度上回答了专利评估的重要性,为下文进一步探讨提供了初步的理论铺垫。第二部分讨论专利评估的执行主体,即注册资产评估师。该部分着重论述了注册资产评估师的法律特征和法定义务。注册资产评估师在执业过程中应该保持专业权威、地位独立和高度自律等特征。在论述注册资产评估师的法定义务部分主要论述了注册资产评估师的注意义务、保密义务和告知义务。第三部分分析专利评估的方法。本部分介绍并阐述了专利评估常见的几种方法,结合专利本身的特点并对每一种方法是否适用于专利评估作了分析,在介绍专利评估方法的同时,着重介绍并论述了专利评估的常用方法——收益法。最后笔者结合专利权自身的价值发展趋势,引入了符合专利自身价值发展规律的专利定量评估方法。该部分引入不仅是为了保持论文架构的严谨性,而且更重要的是为了保证专利评估的结果更具客观性,防止专利评估结果失实。第四部分考察影响专利评估的法律因素。该部分从法律的角度来考量影响专利价值的法律因素,其中研究了影响专利评估的主要法律因素像专利类型、专利文件、专利的法律状态、专利的许可种类与实施状态以及影响专利评估的其他法律因素等等。研究这些因素目的之一就是为专利资产评估结果的客观性提供一个从法律角度的可参考依据,也从侧面揭示了专利资产评估的复杂性和应当考虑的因素。其根本目的在于通过研究对影响专利评估的法律因素,来指导和评价目前的专利评估实践与评估结果的正确与否。第五部分探讨专利评估的法律责任。本部分先从专利评估的法律责任形成原因谈起,接着结合专利评估的特殊性,又论述了专利评估的法律责任主体和责任对象,进而分别论述专利评估的法律责任,包括民事责任,行政责任和刑事责任,最后提出完善专利评估法律责任的初步建议。

【Abstract】 Patent assessment is the vital part of the patent industrialization, and also is the important step of patent application. With the publication of National Intellectual Property Strategy and the establishment of intellectual property evaluation system in 2008, the use of that based intellectual property is the performance of the power of intellectual property and the ultimate goal of the implementation of IP strategy. Law is the protection of the market economy, therefore, it has very practical and significant meaning to analyze the patent evaluation from a legal view.This article contains five parts. The first part analyzed characteristics, conditions and significance of patent assessment from the fundamental theory, which responded the importance of the patent assessment partly, and supported the primary theory bedding for the further discussion.The second part discussed executive agent of Patent Review, namely registered valuer. This part focused on the legal characteristics and legal obligations of registered valuer. They should maintain professional authority, status and other characteristics of independence and self-discipline during their practicing. On the discussion of legal obligations of registered valuer, the duty of care, confidentiality and intimation were deal with.In the third part, the patent evaluation methods were construed. This section introduces and discusses several common methods of patent evaluation. combined with the characteristics of the patent, if each method were applied to patent evaluation, was analysed. The common method of patent evaluation- income approach was introduced significantly. Finally, quantitative evaluation method was introduced consistent with the development of patent. the introduction of this part not only maintained the structure of the rigor of paper, but also prevented patent asses sment from losing efficacy, most importantly, in order to keep the objective results.The fourth part study legal factors affecting patent evaluation. the value of legal factors affecting the patent was discussed from the legal point of view. The impact of patent evaluation factors, such as the patent type, the patent document, legal status of patent, state of patent licensing and implementation, and other legal considerations was investigated. One reason of this study is to provide a frame of reference for the objectivity of assessing patent assets. It also revealed the complexity of the patent asset valuation and should be taken into account in profile. The fundamental purpose is guiding and evaluating the current practice and results of patent assessment, by means of studying the legal affects to patent assessment. The reason of legal liability of patent assessment was discussed firstly, then studying subject of legal responsibility and responsibility object of patent assessment, combining with particularity of patent assessment. Furthermore, the legal liability including of civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability was discussed. Finally, preliminary suggestions of perfecting legal liability of patent assessment.


