

Administrative Accountability System

【作者】 吕琴

【导师】 曾宪义;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 构建责任政府是政府改革、发展的目标选择,也是当前学界研究的重要课题。我国现在处在中国特色社会主义现代化建设的关键时期,在这样一个特殊的历史条件下,中国政府的担子是很重的,政府如何通过自身的构建而担负起引导中国社会发展的任务,是需要找准一个切入点的,而行政问责制正是构建责任政府途径。本文在第一章中对“责任”、“政府”、“责任政府”、“行政问责制”的概念进行了界定。“责任”包含了两个最基本含义:一是责任意味着义务和职责的履行,二是责任意味着因为义务或职责不履行或履行有缺失而应承担的后果。“政府”是指“依照国家宪法和法律组织起来的、行使国家行政权力、组织管理国家行政事务的机关”。责任政府是能够承担责任的政府;是能够认真履行职能的政府;是高效、廉洁、诚信的政府。行政问责制是一种保障行政管理正常合理运行的机制;是对行政的一种监督制度;是行政责任追究的一种形式;是实体规范与程序规范的结合。行政问责制的理论基础:主权在民、平等正义思想;委托-代理理论、公共选择理论、交易成本理论。行政问责制的功能:行政问责制是建设责任政府的重要前提;是建设责任政府的必要基础;是建设责任政府的保障。在第二章中指出我国行政问责制在实践中的问题:1、行政问责缺乏统一的明确的法律规定;2、责任文化缺失3、职责权限比较模糊;4、监督机制虚置;5、信息公开机制缺失;6、绩效评估机制不健全。通过分析域外行政问责的经验,从中找寻差距,吸收其精华部分为我国所用。第三章提出完善中国行政问责制运行的方案设计,包括健全行政问责法律制度;优化行政问责制的运行环境;完善行政问责机制。健全行政问责法律制度首先要制定统一的行政问责法,明确行政问责主体,拓宽问责适用范围,明确责任认定标准,严格行政问责程序,增加责任承担方式;其次健全行政问责救济制度。优化行政问责制的环境要从内部环境和外部环境两方面着手。从完善监督问责机制、加强信息公开机制建设、完善政府绩效评估机制三个方面来完善行政问责机制。本文的创新之处主要有两点:一是将责任制度的健全与全面实施作为法治政府的重要构成要素,这符合权责统一的法治治国理论。二是针对现在问责法律制度的不足,提出了相对合理的完善方案,为国家相关立法提供了理论支持。不足之处在于行政问责制研究涉及政治学、行政学、法学等多个学科知识,自己的理论水平有限,研究的不够深入。

【Abstract】 Building a responsible government not only is a target selection of the government reform and development,but also is an important research subject in the academic circls.China is now in the critical period of the socialist modernization with Chinese Characteristics.The Chinese governments is heavy in such a special historical conditions.How the government through its own building to undertake the task of guiding the government of Chinese society is necessary to look for a breakthrough piont,and the administrative accountability system is a away to build up the responsible government.The first chapter in the article defines the concept of“Responsibility”、“Government”、“Responsible Government”and“Administrative accountability system”.“Responsibility”includs two basic meanings:One is that responsibility means to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities,the other one is that responsibility means to bear theconsequences because of the non–performance and implementation flaws of the obligation or responsibility .“Government”is organized in accordance with the constitution and laws and the exercise of state executive power bodies and the organization to organize and manage the national administration . Responsible Government is a government which will undertake responsibility and seriously carry out the functions and which is a highly efficient and clean and honest.Administrative accountability is a system which protects the normal and reasonable administrative operation and which is administrative supervision and a form of administrative accountability and combination of the physical specifications and the procedure specification.The theoretical basis of administrative accountability system has ideas of sovereignty in the people and equelity and justice,the principal agent theory,the public choice theory,the transaction cost theory.The functions of administrative accountability system are that it is an important prerequisite for building a responsible government,it is a necessary foundation for building a responsible government protection.The second chapter in the article points out the administrative accountability issues in practice:First,administrative accountability is lack of a unified and clear legal provisions.Second,there is tradition and weak sense of responsibility which officals have no responsiblility to their superiors and their subordinate because of the shortage of the official standard culture and the responsible culture in Chinese society.Third,the responsiblility and authority of officials is vague.Forth,the monitoring mechanisms is existing in name only.Fifth,the information disclosure mechanism is lack.Sixth,the performance evaluation mechanism is not perfect.We will analyze the experience of extraterritorial administrative accountability , find out the difference of the administrative accountability system between China and foreign countries and absorb the advantages of foreign administrative accountability system for china.The thirdchapter in the article puts forward the design to improve Chinese administrative accountability system , including improving the legal system of administrative accountability,optimizing the operating environment for the administrative accountability system and strengthening the administrative accountability system.At first,we make unified administrative accountability laws to improve the legal system of the administrative accountability mains , broaden the scope of accountability,have clear responsibility standards and strict procedures for executive accountability,increase ways to bear the legal responsibility,followed by a sound administrative accountability relief system.Secondly,we will improve the relief system of the administrative accountability.There are two main innovations of this paper:First,the responsibility system of sound and the full implementation of the Government as the major elements of the rule of law , consistent with the rule of law in the country unified theory of responsibility.Second, the legal system for the current lack of accountability,presented a relatively sound and reasonable plan for the relevant national legislation provides theoretical support.Shortcomings of the administrative accountability system is involved in politics,administration,law and other fields of knowledge,his theory is limited,the study is not deep enough.


