

Research on Motion Planning and Concrol Sysytem of the Cucumber Picking Robot

【作者】 王燕

【导师】 张立彬; 杨庆华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 果蔬收获属于一类劳动密集型工作,由于人口老龄化和农业劳动力资源的缺乏,致使人工收获成本在整个果蔬生产成本中所占的比例高达33~50%,大大降低了产品的市场竞争力。研究开发智能型采摘机器人不仅有利于解放劳动力、提高生产率、降低生产成本、保证新鲜果蔬品质,而且还可以促进机械结构、机器人技术、图像处理、智能控制技术、传感器技术等相关领域的深入研究和应用,具有重要的现实意义和战略意义。本课题在全面分析研究国内外采摘机器人优缺点的基础上,以黄瓜为研究对象,从黄瓜采摘机器人本体结构设计、运动学与动力学分析、轨迹规划与轨迹跟踪、定位精度补偿及控制系统设计等方面入手,对黄瓜采摘机器人的运动规划与控制系统进行了全面而系统的研究。主要研究工作与成果如下:1.针对黄瓜采摘作业的特点,研制开发了一套四自由度关节型采摘机械手,该机械手结构简单紧凑,重量轻,成本低,动作灵活平稳。为使采摘机械手能收获目标空间的所有果实,提出了一种适用于采摘空间为任意立方体的关节型机械手结构参数优化方法:根据黄瓜目标采摘空间的要求,利用MATLAB优化工具箱对采摘机械手进行了结构参数优化。2.对采摘机械手进行运动学和动力学分析与仿真。采用D-H法建立采摘机械手正运动学,利用解析法进行逆运动学求解;并根据拉格朗日法建立采摘机械手的简化动力学模型。最后进行了运动学、工作空间及动力学仿真实验与分析,验证了模型的正确性及结构参数优化的合理性。3.研究了机器人关节空间轨迹规划与轨迹跟踪控制算法。通过对各种轨迹规划算法的分析比较,结合采摘机器人系统自身结构特点与果实采摘作业要求,提出了采用两段摆线运动组合的水平抓取规划方法,实现机器人快速平稳运动。同时,为实现对期望轨迹的精确跟踪,构造了一种快速非奇异终端滑模控制器,解决了普通滑模控制器在线性滑模条件下渐进收敛、传统终端滑模控制的奇异性与抖振问题。仿真实验证明它能够准确跟踪期望轨迹,并能使位置跟踪误差在有限时间内收敛到平衡点,响应时间短,鲁棒性好。4.对采摘机器人定位误差补偿算法进行了研究。提出了基于LMBP神经网络的直接误差补偿法和预置偏移量补偿法,用于减少由结构参数偏差引入的机器人末端位置误差,并通过仿真实验验证了方法的有效性。5.基于CAN总线的黄瓜采摘机器人控制系统软硬件设计。提出了基于DSP的上位机运动控制器+CAN总线+ DSP关节控制器的分布式控制方案。搭建了控制系统的硬件平台;并采用模块化设计思想,设计了采摘机器人控制系统初始化、逆运动学运算、轨迹规划、末端执行器控制、CAN模块、关节电机位置采集与控制等程序。6.对研制的黄瓜采摘机器人进行了性能测试实验。实验结果表明:机器人系统运行稳定可靠,机械手重复性定位精度为2.4mm;误差补偿后,x轴最大误差由补偿前4.3mm减少到3.5mm;y方向最大误差由6.9 mm减少到3.7mm;z轴误差基本不变。采摘成功率约为86%,采摘一根黄瓜平均耗时18s左右。本课题为果蔬采摘机器人智能化和实用化的进一步研究提供了良好的基础,在今后的工作中,可以进一步从优化机器人机械结构和提高控制精度两方面进行深入地研究。

【Abstract】 Fruits and vegetables harvest belongs to labor-intensive task. Because of population aging and lack of agricultural labor resources, the ratio of harvest price of human labor in the whole production price reaches to 33~50%, which greatly recedes their market competition. Therefore, studying and developing intelligent picking robots can not only liberate labor, improve productivity, decrease production price and maintain fresh quality of fruits and vegetables, but also promote further study and application of related techniques, such as mechanics, robotics, image processing, intelligent control and sensor. So it has significant practical meaning and academic value to develop picking robots.On the comprehensive analysis of advantages and disadvantages of picking robots at home and abroad, taking the cucumber as research object, motion planning and control system of the cucumber picking robot are systematically studied based on techniques of robot mechanics, kinematic and dynamic analysis, trajectory planning and tracking, position error compensation and so on. Research contents and achievements are listed as follows:1. Aiming at characteristics of cucumber picking operation, an articulated picking manipulator with four degree-of-freedom is developed, and the designed manipulator possesses favorable property of simple and compact structure, light weight, low price, flexible and stable picking motion. In order to harvest all of the fruits and vegetables in the target space, the general structure optimization method of articulated manipulators is proposed, which is applied in random cube of the picking space. Then the manipulator is optimized by MATLAB optimization Toolbox according to the target picking space of the cucumber.2. Analysis and simulation on kinematics and dynamics of the designed manipulator are implemented. Forward kinematics is constructed based on the D-H method and the inverse kinematics is solved by analytical mehod; meanwhile, the simplified dynamics are constructed by utilizing Lagarange method. Finally, simulation experiments of kinematics, workspace, and dynamics are carried out, results verified the validity of the models and resonability of the structure parameters optimization method. 3. Algorithms of trajectory planning and tracking of the picking robot are studied. The trajectory planning algorithm based on combination of two cycloidal motions with grasping horizontally is proposed by comparing various planned algorithms and combined with the structure and picking operation characteristics of the cucumber picking robot. Moreover, in order to achieve precise tracking of the desired trajectory, a fast and non-singular terminal sliding mode controller is constructed, it can solve the problems of asymptotic convergence of the linear sliding mode controller, and the singularity and chattering of the conventional terminal sliding mode controller. Simulation experimental results show that the desired trajectory can be tracked precisely, and the postion tracking error can converge to equilibrium point in finite time, faster and high-precision tracking performance is obtained by using the presented algorithm.4. Position error compensation algorithms of the picking robot are studied. The direct error compensation method based on LMBP network and the preseting position offsets are proposed, which are used to compensate for position error caused by structure parameter deviation, the validity of the proposed algorithms has verified by simulation experiments.5. Control system of the cucumber picking robot is designed based on CAN bus communication. The distributed control mode of supervisory motion controller based on DSP+CAN bus+joint controllers based on DSP is presented. Hardware platform of control system is constructed; and programs for realizing the control system are designed by using modular principle, such as initiation, inverse kinematic computation, trajectory planning, the end effector control, CAN module, collection and control of the joint position and so on.6. The performance test experiments of the cucumber picking robot are carried out. Experimental results show that the robot system can run stably and reliably, the repetitious position precision is about 2.4mm; after compensation, the maximum position errors in x and y axis have expectively declined from 4.3mm to 3.5mm, 6.9mm to 3.7mm; and position errors in z axis are nearly no changing. The ratio success of the robot’s picking is approximately 86%, and the average time consumed for picking a cucumber is about 18s.This thesis provides favorable base for further research on intelligence and practicality of picking robots, and in the future, optimization of the mechanic structure and control accuracy should be studied more deeply.


