

Research on Awareness of Physical Laws in Intuitive Interaction

【作者】 张翀

【导师】 余永海;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术向人们日常生活的各个方面的渗透,用户对人机交互提出了更高的目标。学界和业界都用不同方式提出了优化使用认知能力的“直觉化交互”。尽管一直被广泛提及,直觉化交互却从未被足够深入论述。基于实践和理论的需要,本论文以“直觉化交互设计中的物理存在感”为选题,对交互设计中用户的物理存在体验进行全面深入细致的研究与探讨,以期进一步完善直觉化交互设计理论并推动其实践应用。全文按照由面到点,从理论到实践的顺序对物理存在感设计进行递进式的论述。首先,笔者从对直觉化交互的理解入手,为物理存在感建立作为其背景基础的理论框架。随后,物理存在感被分为理论构架和应用探讨两个模块进行深入论述。最后,笔者以iRead电子阅读软件为例,细节展开这次以鼓励人机的直觉化交互为目的,增强物理存在感为途径的设计实践工作。本文的主要成果和创新如下:1.创建了直觉化交互的次级设计理论——物理存在感设计。相对于直觉化交互较为综合性的设计原则,物理存在感设计用更细节而明确的应用方法来促进人机直觉化交互的产生。2.全面而有条理地梳理了直觉化交互的发展,实现了中文文献在此领域零的突破。3.本文的设计实践iRead电子阅读软件具有直觉化交互的可行性。

【Abstract】 As information technology infiltrating to all aspects of daily life, people ask for more in experience when communicate with computer. In various ways, experts raise the concept of“intuitive interaction”which optimizes the use of human cognitive ability. Although been widely mentioned, intuitive interaction has never been sufficiently discussed. Based on this need of both practical application and theoretical exploration, this thesis titled "Research on Awareness of Physical Laws in Intuitive Interaction" aims to discuss this issue in details with the mission of expanding the intuitive interaction theory itself and promoting its practical application tendency.This paper was arranged in progressive order of discussion, which talks from the essential background knowledge to the thesis point and also from theory to case study. Beginning with the understanding towards intuitive interaction, this paper introduces the theory basis for Awareness of Physical Laws. Then two modules are set to discuss Awareness of Physical Laws separately as one is its theory construction and the other is its application method. Last, iRead reading application is employed as the case study for proving the foregoing research result with the purpose of enhancing intuitive interaction through emphasizing awareness of physical laws in design. Main achievements and innovations of this article are as follows:1. Created a sub design theory for intuitive interaction which is user’s awareness of physical laws in interaction experience.2. Comprehensively and coherently introduced the development of intuitive interaction, for which it was blank in the context of Chinese literature.3. The iRead reading application is proved feasible.


