

Study on Wen Zisheng

【作者】 文兴黎

【导师】 杨晓斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 温子升是北朝的一位很有代表性的文学家,也是北魏文坛的领袖人物。温子升、邢邵与稍后的魏收被称作“北地三才”。作为北朝本土作家中的佼佼者,温子升的诗文创作和思想倾向有很强的时代特性,名噪一时,有“大才士”之称。他不仅是北朝文学突出的代表,而且在南北文学融合的过程中起到了积极的作用。本文主要包括以下内容:在绪论中,综述并评论了已有温子升研究的成果,肯定了在温子升诗文辑录以及年谱考证等方面获得的成果,同时,也指出了在温子升生平问题上遗留的不足。第一章主要是对温子升生平与思想的研究,主要叙述了他的生平履历,并分析了他的主要思想以及社会文化环境对他创作的影响。子升儒学思想深厚,然而,在他浓厚的儒学思想笼罩下他作品中又透露出叫我们不能忽视的深刻的佛学思想。在这个南北融合的时代大背景下,温子升也不可避免的受到南朝文学的影响,但我们更应该注意到的是,“平齐民”对他的思想和创作的影响。第二章是对温子升散文的研究。由于北朝特定的社会环境和统治者的态度,北朝散文总体的发展状况是:“笔”胜于“文”。这种状况在温子升身上也有很明显的体现。按照具体功用的不同将其文划分为碑志铭文和除此之外的章表奏议等,并重点分析了碑志铭文“综采繁缛,兴属清华”的特点和体现在章表奏议等散文中的“以文观史,叙事简直”。第三章是对温子升诗歌的研究。从风格的差异划分为“质朴”和“清婉”两类。“清婉”之诗主要是他吸收南方文风做的清丽婉转的咏物以及表达自我情思的小诗。“质朴”之诗主要是他在北朝“贞刚”的文风影响下的诗歌创作。但他的诗歌成就,最突出的应当是其乐府诗的创作。北方乐府的题材广泛、情感豪放,正好补充了南方诗歌的不足,加以对南方诗艺技巧的模仿,又为诗人的个性化创作提供了有益的支持。《魏书》本传称其文清婉,如果以“婉”指其技巧而言,则其乐府诗也同样有这样的特点,但北朝“气质”的文化特点又使作家的乐府诗创作在风格上产生了新变。这两者完美的融合在子升的乐府诗创作中,也因此才有了“直是唐人”的《捣衣》。

【Abstract】 Wen Zisheng, a very representative literature of Bei Dynasty, and also the leaders of literature of Bei Dynasty. Wen Zisheng, Xing Shao, and Wei Shou who was coming up, were called "northern three talents". As the leader of the northern native writers, his literary creation and tendency is representation, called "The most talented one". He is not only a prominent representative of northern literature and played a positive role on the integration process of north and south literature.This paper contains the following:Introduction: Reviewing and commenting on the study of Wen Zisheng, we affirmed the achievements, and pointed out the deficiency at the same time.Chapter I: Study on Wen zisheng himself, mainly described his autobiography and narrative. Based on "Weishu"- Biography of Wen Zisheng, we analysised all the literature evaluations about him; further, social and cultural environment exerted great influence on his ideas and his literary creation, being reflected from his experience and works. His loyalty to the imperial court showed in several political events reflected his deep confucianism. However, we could not ignore his Buddhist thought, There was deep Buddhist concept showed in his works. Under the historical background of north-south integration, Wen Zisheng was also affected inevitably by southern literature, but we should note that: the thought -"pingqimin" was also greatly affected on his own creative identity.Chapter II: Study on the prose of Wen Zisheng. For the particular social environment and attitude of the potentate, the development of northern prose was restricted: "prose" is more than "poetry". This situation was also obvious for him. According to the application , his works can be divided into two parts. One is "Bei Zhi Ming Wen", the other is "Zhang Biao Zou Yi". "Bei Zhi Ming Wen" has such characteristic that words are elegantly written, style is beautiful and pleasing, "Zhang Biao Zou Yi" are contracted like the history writing.Chapter III: Study on the poetry of Wen Zisheng. For the difference of style, his works was classified as "unadorned" ones and "beautiful and pleasing" ones. The beautiful and pleasing poem he written was profiting from southern beautiful & pleasing style of writing and the short poem which express self-feeling. The poem which has sample style of writing was influenced by the northern writing style of "Zhen Gang". His greatest chievement in poetry, is his Yuefu poetry. Northern Yuefu extensive absorption different range of topics, unconstraint feeling, complement southern style, which provided useful supports for the poet’s personal creation. "Wei Shu" said his words is gracefulness, if the "gracefulness" means their skills, their Yuefu poems also have such features, but northern style which is characteristed as "temperament" made poems writing style being changed. Gracefulness and temperament are perfectly integrated in the creation of Yuefu poems, and thus "Daoyi"——approaches to be the poetry of Tang dynasty.

【关键词】 温子升诗歌
【Key words】 Wen ZishengProsePoetry
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】102

