

A Research on the Current Situation of Three-basketball Sport in Universities of Taiyuan City and the Countermeasures of Its Development

【作者】 吴志勇

【导师】 任莲香;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 三人制篮球是一项深受高校大学生喜爱的体育运动,具有一定的娱乐价值、健身价值、教育价值。在高校开展三人制篮球运动既能使体育课增强趣味性,培养学生长期参与篮球运动的良好习惯,又能推动高校篮球运动的发展,丰富校园体育文化,对提高太原市三人制篮球水平、推动我国篮球运动的发展有着十分重要的作用。本文采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对这一课题进行研究。结果表明:1.太原市高校开展三人制篮球运动起步较晚,但发展较快,前景广阔。2.太原市高校大学生对三人制篮球运动表示喜爱态度,并普遍接受和支持,对该项运动相关知识有较好的关注和一定的认识。3.三人制篮球运动能促进学生身心健康的发展,但部分学生不太喜欢三人制篮球运动,其原因是:性别差异、害怕受伤、场地器材不足、技术差怕别人讥笑等。4.太原市高校大学生的三人制篮球比赛多为自发组织,以自主娱乐为主,班级之间的比赛相对较多,院级联赛和校联赛举办的少,高校女生的三人制篮球比赛鲜有开展。5.影响太原市高校大学生参与三人制篮球运动的因素是多方面的,包括有:社会、学校宣传力度不足;学校的重视和支持不够;场地设施不足;比赛少、规模不大;相关知识的普及少;师资力量缺乏等因素。本文对上述现状进行了分析,并对太原市高校三人制篮球运动的发展提出如下对策:1.各体育部门对三人制篮球运动的开展应给予重视,进一步做好协调和科学管理工作。高校领导应给与三人制篮球重点扶持,从场地、器材上确保三人制篮球运动项目更好地开展。2.太原市高校应充分利用学校宣传栏、广播等传播媒介,积极报道有关三人制篮球相关知识和比赛情况,加大对三人制篮球运动的宣传力度,扩大该项目的影响力。3.山西省教育部门应定期在太原市高校开展大规模的大学生三人制篮球比赛,并使其制度化,各高校也应该有目的、有计划的开展各种规模的三人制篮球比赛,鼓励广大篮球爱好者积极参与。4.加强校企合作,广泛吸引校外资金,形成长期合作伙伴,改善和兴建篮球场地设施,为三人制篮球运动的蓬勃开展提供资金支持,为我省篮球市场的开发和俱乐部的经营开拓新路。

【Abstract】 The three-basketball is a sport which gains universal populous on universitycampus which has the entertainment value, the fitness value as well as educationalvalue. Developing the three-basketball sport in university can on one hand promotethe interestingness of PE class and cultivate students’good habits of participating inplaying basketball. On the other hand, it also improves the development of basketballin university and riches campus sports culture. The three-basketball sport plays animportant role in enhancing the developmental level of three-basketball in Taiyuanand promoting the development of the basketball in our country.Adopting the methods of literature study, questionnaire and mathematicalstatistics, the paper makes a research on this issue. The results are showed in thefollowing. Firstly, the university three-basketball sport in Taiyuan city develops quitefast and has a bright future though it starts late. Secondly, university students inTaiyuan show interests in the three-basketball and give universal acceptance andsupport to it. What’s more, they pay more attention to and get certain knowledge ofthe related information about this sport. Thirdly, the three-basketball sport canpromote students’ psychical and mental development. However, the reasons why somestudents don’t like it are concluded as follows, that is, gender differences, fear ofinjury, inadequate equipment, and be afraid of being laughed at because of poor skills,etc. Fourthly, the three-basketball sport in university in Taiyuan is organized morespontaneously thus there are relatively more matches among classes while thoseamong colleges are less. Moreover, the three-basketball sport among girls is even rare.Fifthly, many factors such as inadequate publicity, less attention and support fromuniversity, insufficient facilities, less frequent and small-scale competition, lack ofrelated knowledge and faculty affect university students’participation in thethree-basketball sport.After investigating the current situation of the three-basketball development inuniversity in Taiyuan, this paper puts forward some countermeasures as following. Firstly, all the sports departments should give enough emphasis on thethree-basketball sport and guarantee coordinated and scientific management. Leadersin university should also provide key support in order to guarantee furtherdevelopment of this sport from the following two aspects, that is, area and equipment.Secondly, universities in Taiyuan should make good use of broadcasting media toreport related information about the three-basketball sport frequently which helps tostrengthen the publicity of this sport and expand its influence. Thirdly, the educationaldepartment in Shanxi province should hold large-scale three-basketball sport regularlyand make this process institutionalized. Universities have to initiate purposeful andplaned different scales three-basketball sport either so as to stimulate basketballamateur’s interests. Fourthly, it is effective to strengthen and maintain the long-termcooperation between universities and companies to absorb external funds whichcontribute to the establishment and improvement of basketball area and equipment.The above action can open up a new era for the development of basketball and its clubmanagement.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】566

