

Cultivating Morality Is the Priority or Acquiring Knowledge Is the Priority

【作者】 王姝

【导师】 安心;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 大学理念是高等教育学研究的最基础和最前沿问题,因为它是大学核心价值观的集中体现和表征,是引领大学前进的灯塔和标帜。纵观中美高等教育发展史,由于社会政治、经济、文化和历史背景的不同,两者形成了风格迥异的大学理念。透视它们的不同发展脉络和历史意蕴,可以发现中国大学理念以做人为先,美国大学理念以知事为先。这是中美大学理念重心的不同所在。中国大学理念秉承传统文化的精神,通过“人”来统一知事与做事,而美国大学理念却通过“知识”来统一做人与做事,基于不同的出发点,两种大学理念具备不同的内涵,但双方均牢牢地坚守着各自一些永恒不变的核心价值。现代大学作为社会发展的重要一部分,自然受到来自社会各个方面的影响,如何将培养全面发展的人才与社会现实之间的冲突加以解决,这将是一个长期存在的问题,本论文试将此问题做一初步的探讨。本论文将通过对中美大学理念做人为先与知事为先的历史追溯来看中美两国大学理念的不同重点,首先来阐述中美大学理念的发展脉络,进而以北京大学和哈佛大学为例,来具体分析中美大学理念的异同。最后来看在当代社会的急速发展之下,中国现代大学理念与社会现实之间的冲突、人文学科与科学教育之间和谐发展的道路。做人、知事何者为先固然为中美大学理念的不同之处,但无论何者为先,大学始终是为社会培养具有完善人格、特殊才能之人的地方。大学就是传播和发展知识、培养德才兼备的有用人才之所在,无论做人知事何者为先,真正的人才都应具备高尚的道德情操,而有德之人则更需要到实践中去检验自己的才能。

【Abstract】 The idea is to a university what the spirit is to a man. The spirit decides a man’s morality; The idea guides the direction of a university’s development. Different culture and historical development contribute to different ideas of universities of China and America. Cultivating morality is the priority of Chinese universities, while acquiring knowledge is the priority of American universities. Modern university, as an important part of social development, and they naturally from the impact of all aspects of society, how to cultivate all-round development of human resources and the conflict between social reality to be resolved, it will be a long-standing problem, this paper try this issue as a preliminary discussion.In this paper, through the idea of the history of Sino-US universities back, look at the different Idea of the University of Sino-US focus, first of all to articulate the concept of the development of Sino-US University of context, thereby to Peking University and Harvard University, for example, to a detailed analysis of University of the concept of similarities and differences between the United States. Finally look at the rapid development in contemporary society under the Chinese University of concepts and social reality of modern conflict between humanities and science education, the harmonious development between. University has always been to develop a sound social personality, special abilities of the person’s place. University, is the dissemination and development of knowledge, foster ability and political integrity of useful talent lies, no matter Cultivating morality is the priority of acquiring knowledge, the real talent should have noble morality, while the virtuous person more in need of practice to test his own.

【关键词】 大学理念做人知事
【Key words】 The Idea of UniversityCultivate MoralityAcquire Knowledge

