

The Study of Libai’s Yuefu Poem

【作者】 海君

【导师】 尹古华;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 李白诗歌在中国诗歌史上占有重要的地位,是中国古典诗歌达到高潮的重要标志。乐府诗歌作为李白诗歌中很重要的一类诗歌,对它的研究有助于对李白诗歌本质的认识。本文采用传统文献学的研究方法,在大量搜集整理李白及其诗歌研究方面的文史资料的基础上,充分吸收前人的研究成果,对李白乐府诗歌的几个方面作一尝试性的论述。论文由三部分组成。第一部分为绪论,主要在简单叙述李白诗歌研究概况的基础上,引出李白乐府诗歌研究的相关情况。重点说了一下李白乐府诗歌研究方面前人取得的成绩。第二部分共有四章。第一章是李白乐府诗歌概论。第一节主要从李白的诗歌复古理论方面分析了李白对乐府诗歌选择的原因;第二节是对李白乐府诗歌创作情况的整体介绍。第二章是李白乐府诗歌的内容。本文从内容的角度出发把李白的古题乐府诗歌分为本辞类乐府诗歌和创造类乐府诗歌,并通过结合具体作品来说明两类乐府诗歌在内容方面的特点。第三节简单分析了一下李白少数新题乐府的创作情况,并从唐代新乐府产生的角度分析了李白这些新题乐府对中唐时期新乐府产生的启示性意义。第三章是李白乐府诗歌的形式特征。李白乐府诗歌的形式特征比较多,本文主要从诗歌体裁的角度分析了李白乐府诗歌歌行化特征和李白绝句体乐府诗歌的特点。第四章是李白乐府诗歌的入乐情况。分两部分说明,其中唐代的音乐体系及其所对应的乐府诗歌是李白乐府诗歌入乐的背景;个别文献资料是李白乐府诗歌入乐的具体证据。唐代的音乐体系主要分为三大类:即雅乐、清乐和燕乐。对每一类音乐的性质都做了分析,并通过与之对应的诗歌说明唐人入乐诗歌的体裁。关于李白乐府诗歌入乐的文献不多,文章通过对相关材料的引证,以管窥李白乐府诗歌入乐的实际情况。结论部分从李白乐府诗歌的地位和影响的角度,综合评价了李白乐府诗歌:李白乐府诗歌是古题乐府诗歌创作的高潮和结束;李白乐府诗歌在落实唐人兴寄诗歌理论方面的重要作用;李白对乐府诗歌在形式方面的影响;李白新题乐府诗歌对中唐新乐府产生的启示意义。

【Abstract】 LiBai’s poem have a high place in the history of classical Chinese poem. It is an importent mark that means classical Chinese poem reach a climax.As an important kind of pome,the investigation on Yuefu pome help us to know what is the essence about LiBai’s pome.The method in this paper is way that usually used on Classical Philology. On even ground to collect and research materials about all of profit on LiBai and his poem, the author investigate tentatively in all fields about LiBai’ Yuefu poem.This paper was made up of three part. The first part is introduction. On ground of introduction about research on LiBai’ pome,lead to interrelated things about Yuefu poem. The most important things is achievement that was gained from older generation.The second part was mada up of four chapter. The first chapter is generality.The fist section analysis the reason why LiBai select Yuefu poem ,the result of that question is return to nature.The secod chapter is introduction about all of LiBai’s Yuefu poem.The second chapter is content about LiBai’ Yuefu poem.According to content,the author differentiate LiBai’s Yuefu poem as BenCi Yuefu poem and created Yuefu poem. By analysing LiBai’s Yuefu poem,The author introduced the diffierent between that two kinds of Yuefu poem. In third section ,the author analysised LiBai’s XinTi Yuefu poem.The author affirmatived LIBai’Xinti Yuefu poem,by analysised it’s status in the history of XinYuefu.The third chapter is intrduction on style about LIBai’Yuefu poem .The first things is LiBai’Yuefu poem to change into Gexing.The second things is LIbai’ Jueju poem.The fourth chapter is the introduction about relationship between LiBai’sYuefu poem and music.The music in Tang was composed of YaYue,QingYue and YanYue. The author analysised characteristic about each music.As the same time,the author intrduced what kind of music can coordinate with Yuefu poem. The document about LiBai’sYuefu poem act in concert with music is a few.By citing the document,we can understand the relaction between LiBai’s Yuefu poem and music. The last part was composed of four conclusion.LiBai’s Yuefu poem is the clamax in the history of YueFu.LiBai’s Yuefu poem play an important role in the theory of Fugu about Tang people.LiBai’s Yuefu poem have effect on style of Tang Yuefu.LiBai’s XinYuefu have effect on XinYuefu of ZhongTang.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【下载频次】911

