

The Research about the Strategies of Autonomic Physics Learning Consciousness’s Cultivation Under the Direction of the Theory of "Zone of Proximal Development" for High-school Students

【作者】 黄鹏

【导师】 郎和;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以高中物理课堂教学为基础,以“最近发展区”理论为指导,结合物理学科的特点及相关的教育学、心理学理论,通过问卷对高中生物理学习现状进行了解,针对高中生物理自主学习意识淡薄的现状,从学生的现有水平出发,尝试提出在“最近发展区”理论指导下学生物理自主学习意识培养的策略,即充分满足学生的内在需要(尤其是认知需要),在外在刺激的作用下,激发学生学习的兴趣、求知欲望,使学生在教师创设的问题情境、实验情境等活动情境中,愿意“跳一跳摘桃”,并主动地“跳一跳摘桃”,进而不断跨过认知的“最近发展区”,进入认知的更高水平,获得发展。通过物理课堂教学实践研究,以“最近发展区”理论为指导来培养高中生的物理自主学习意识,应注重以下几点:1明确学习目标,让学生知道应该要学什么,形成心理暗示。目标的明确必须以学生的现有水平为基础;学习目标的创设必须落在学生的“最近发展区”内,否则必须设置子目标。2充分满足学生的内在需要(尤其是认知需要)。内在需要的满足是培养学生物理自主学习意识的前提。3让学生有学习的心理倾向,即愿意去学。通过利用榜样、现代教育技术、多元评价、问题情境、实验情境、物理学史等激发学生的兴趣和求知欲望。4为学生主动学习提供平台(如活动)。通过问题情境、实验情境的创设,为学生主动学习提供平台,给学生充分展示的机会,使得学生在活动中“主动学”。本研究在“最近发展区”理论指导下,高中物理自主学习意识培养的策略研究中,对学生“最近发展区”的把握存在一定的困难,主要原因是:个人经验不足、学生的现有水平包括很多方面、学生长期处于被动学习状态等。

【Abstract】 This research, which based on high school physics, guided by the theory of“Zone of Proximal Development”, combined by the characteristic of physics and interrelated theories such as Education and Psychology, in view of high-school student physics autonomic learning consciousness light present situation,with students’existing level as the starting point, through learning situation analysis from questionnaire survey, tries to propound the strategies of autonomic learning consciousness under the direction of the theory of“Zone of Proximal Development”. That is to say, to satisfy the Internal needs of the students sufficiently (especially cognitive needs), under the influence of external stimulus, arouse students’interest of learning and thirst for knowledge, make students willing and volunteer to study in problem and experimental condition created by teacher, and stride over cognitive“Zone of Proximal Development”further, enter upon a higher level of cognition and accordingly make rapid progress.In order to bring up high school students’habits of autonomous learning in physics, with the guidance of the theory of“Zone of Proximal Development”and the research and practice of the classroom teaching, we should focus on the following aspects:1. Set up clear study goals, make students know what he ought to study, and form the power of psychological suggestions. Clear study goals must be based on students’existing level and the establishment of learning goals should be near students’“Zone of Proximal Development”, otherwise we should set sub-goals for it.2. Satisfy the Internal needs of the students sufficiently (especially cognitive needs).The precondition to cultivate high school students’autonomic learning consciousness is to satisfy their Internal needs.3. Make students have a desire to study spontaneous and voluntary. We can inspire students’learning interest and thirst for knowledge by the method of demonstration by example, by virtue of Modem Educational Technology, Multiple Developmental Evaluation, through applications of problem and experimental condition, and the introduction of History of Physics.4. Provide a platform for activities for students’autonomic learning. In order to give students enough opportunity to present themselves, and let them study in activities proactively, we can provide a platform for their autonomic learning through creating problem and experimental condition.In research of the strategies of autonomic learning consciousness, we have encounter some difficulties in the definition of students’“Zone of Proximal Development”because of my lack of experience, the versatility of students’existing level and students’passive learning status .

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】523

