

Error Analysis of the C-e Translation of Public Signs in Nanjing

【作者】 盛雪滢

【导师】 孙建东;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放的深入和国际化脚步的加快,英语公示语在我国的作用就愈显重要。然而,我国英语公示语的状况却令人忧虑,还远远达不到令人满意的水平,这不但严重影响了我国的国际形象,而且还给来到中国的海外人士的日常生活带来了很多困扰和不便。本文旨在对南京市公共场所公示语的汉译英中出现的错误进行分析并提出解决策略。作者采用了定量统计和定性研究的方法。错误分析基于作者亲自在南京主要公共场所采集的不正确的汉译英公示语。因此,这些例子在反映南京公示语状况方面,具有真实性和代表性。本文的研究主要基于语言学中的错误分析理论,对汉语公示语英译中出现的错误进行分析。根据错误分析理论,错误类型主要分为三个层次:本体错误,语段错误和语篇错误。从统计和分析中可以发现,南京公示语英译中出现的错误主要集中在选词,语法和语用等方面。根据错误分析的结果,发现导致这些错误主要有三个原因:主观原因、母语的影响和目标语使用的不准确。针对公示语英译的特点,作者提出了一些解决方案来提高汉语公示语英译的质量,比如添加,简化和正话反说等等。总之,南京汉语公示语的英译问题急需关注,有关方面应尽快采取措施。然而,要彻底消除南京公示语的英译中出现的错误,错误分析必不可少。通过错误分析可以发现问题的类别和原因,有针对性地提出解决方案来帮助南京提高双语环境的质量。因此该研究具有一定的社会意义和实用价值。

【Abstract】 With China’s continuing reform and integration into the world, English public signs are becoming more and more important in this country. However, the use of English public signs is far from being satisfactory, which may bring a lot of inconveniences to those who come to China to work or travel.This thesis focuses on the error analysis of the English translation of public signs in the city of Nanjing and the strategies for the better E-C translation of public signs by adopting the quantitative statistics and qualitative analysis approach. The error analysis is based on the data recently collected by the author herself from different parts of the city and therefore, the examples used are representative of the present situation of the C-E translation of public signs in Nanjing.According to the theory of Carl James, the types of errors concerning the C-E translation of public signs fall into three levels: substance level, text level and discourse level. The statistic analysis sheds light on what are the main problems that lead to the errors in the E-C translation of public signs.Through the errors analysis, it is found that the causes of errors may be attributed to subjectivity, mother-tongue interference and inaccurate use of target language. In order to solve these problems, some suggestions are proposed for improving the quality of the C-E translation of public signs such as addition, simplification and conversion and so on.In a word, special attention should be paid to the C-E translation of public signs and immediate actions should be taken to improve the present situation of the C-E translation of public signs in Nanjing. Only by trying to get rid of the inappropriate C-E translation of public signs in Nanjing can Nanjing build a favorite bilingual environment. And overseas visitors will find it more convenient and pleasant to stay in this city.

【关键词】 错误分析汉英翻译公示语原因建议
【Key words】 error analysisC-E translationpublic signscausessuggestions

