

Structure Shifts in English-chinese Literary Translation—a Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights

【作者】 曹军

【导师】 袁亦宁;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译转换对英语文学文本的成功汉译起着举足轻重的作用,而在具体的翻译转换分类中,结构转换又是其中最重要的一个方面。虽然对翻译方法和策略的研究已有数十年之久,对英语文学文本的汉译研究也是层出不穷,但却很少有人从词汇、句法和语义等层面入手进行系统和深入的基础研究,深入到翻译过程中存在的具体转换中去。由于英汉两种语言本身存在的差异,在翻译中,除非译者想要以极其近似的方式再现原文本结构,否则转换是不可避免的。本文以卡特福德的翻译转换特别是结构转换理论为理论框架,采取等距抽样的方法,抽取英语原著《呼啸山庄》的九个章节及其两个中译本(杨苡和方平的译本)的相应章节共1595组句子作为我们的研究资料,从否定-肯定之转换;语态转换;英语介词短语转换成汉语的动词短语;英语无灵主语转换成汉语有灵主语;谓语转换成补语和宾语补足语转换成谓语等几个方面对比研究《呼啸山庄》两个中译本中结构转换之异同。通过对研究资料中1595组句子的语法结构逐一进行分析研究,我们发现,英语源语中共有326个句子需要进行结构转换,两个译者在汉译过程中对其中81%即263个句子都进行了恰当的转换,这表明结构转换在英语文学文本的汉译过程中,是必然的也是必需的。同时我们发现,在汉译过程中,当形式对等无法实现时,对源语进行恰当的结构转换,使之符合汉语习惯,才更容易为汉语读者所接受。

【Abstract】 Translation shifts play a decisive role in translation. According to Catford, structure shifts are amongst the most important ones in the classification of translation shifts. Though studies on translation principles or strategies have prevailed in China for decades, and studies on English-Chinese literary translation have also been various and numerous, few scholars have done in-depth researches on actual shifts in English-Chinese literary translation at grammatical, syntactic and semantic levels. Owing to the inherent differences between English and Chinese, translation shifts are inevitable in English-Chinese literary translation except when translators deliberately reproduce the structures of the original texts.This thesis, adopting Catford’s theory of translation shifts, especially structure shifts, as its theoretical framework, compares the similarities and differences concerning structure shifts between the two Chinese versions of Wuthering Heights in the following respects: negative-affirmative shifts; voice shifts; shifts from English prepositional phrases to Chinese verbal phrases; shifts from English non-animate subjects to Chinese animate subjects; shifts from predicates to compliments and shifts from object compliments to predicates. For the sake of convenience, the data for our research consists of sentences (1595 in total) from nine chapters of the English original Wuthering Heights and the corresponding chapters from the two Chinese versions by Yang Yi and Fang Ping respectively. Through the analysis of the grammatical structures of the 1595 sentences, it can be found that the total of the original sentences whose structures need to be shifted in English-Chinese translation is 326, and both translators have made appropriate structure shifts to 81% of them, 263 sentences to be exact, which shows that structure shifts are essential in producing successful Chinese versions of English literary works. Based on the comparative study, it can also be found that to make the translation acceptable to Chinese readers, translators should shift the structures of original sentences in accordance with Chinese common usage when formal correspondence is impossible to be achieved.

  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】361
  • 攻读期成果

