

Research on Competitiveness Evaluation of Our Oilfield Service Company under the Oil Price Popple

【作者】 唐海燕

【导师】 曹锟生;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立,我国油田服务业的国内市场得以逐步形成和完善。与此同时,“走出去”战略的实施为中国石油、中国石化和中海油三大国有石油公司的油田服务业实现跨国经营开创了有利条件。在长期的计划经济体制下,我国油田服务业经历了有别于国外同行业发展主流的、特有的成长过程,拥有其自身的特殊性。本文从世界油价风波的视角入手,借鉴国内外关于国际石油市场价格分析的相关成果,分析了世界油价波动的影响因素,并采用灰色关联度模型对影响因素与石油价格波动的关系做了定量分析,判断出各因素和国际油价波动的关联度。然后,在借鉴SWOT理论分析范式的基础上,收集了较多的行业资料,以中海油田服务股份有限公司为例,从定性角度分析了当前国内油服公司的竞争状况,并相应地提出了其SO、WO、ST和WT发展战略。在此基础上,采用德尔菲法,经分析筛选形成油田服务企业竞争力的评价指标体系,系统地分析论证了决定油田服务业发展的六个因素,即“经营能力”、“盈利能力”、“要素流动”、“市场机制”、“E&P需求”和“战略与文化”,并构建了相应的量化指标。通过选取国内外油田服务业中有代表性的企业形成数据采集的标准样本,运用层次分析法进行建模,完成了模型特征参数的赋值。通过定量分析,从多角度评价了国内油服企业现有的竞争力。通过分析,本文认为就国际行业市场而言,我国油田服务企业的整体竞争力还较弱。在此基础上,从技术驱动、成本管理、人才培养等角度对国内油服企业提出了一些可能有效的发展建议。

【Abstract】 With the steps of international strategy performance, oilfield service industries in our governments, such as CNPC, CPCC and COSL, are now realizing overseas operating. For the background of the global oilfield service industry developing history and the integration of the economy, our oilfield service industry has formed its usual and unusual characters.Based on the formal studying results, the paper analyses the factors which influence world’s oil prices. Taking COSL for instance, I conclude our oilfield service companies’competences with SWOT tool and give out SO, WO, ST, WT strategy.Using Delphi Method, I filtrate out six elements: management-ability, payoff-ability, element-flowage, market-mechanism, E&P-requirements, strategy and enterprise culture. These environmental elements and other related analyzes provide the theoretical supports for building the evaluation model of oilfield service enterprises’competences. Then, I evaluated their competitiveness based on AHP model.By collecting operating data of representative oilfield service enterprises home and abroad and using Delphi Method, I select six of them as training samples for my AHP model. The evaluation results show that our oilfield service industry’s competence is still in the middle or below-middle stream of world’s oilfield service company community. Thus, we need to improve technology, costing, human resource and other ways to enhance their competitiveness.


