

Attitude Measurement System Based on Multi-frequency Galileo Data

【作者】 熊晓欢

【导师】 范胜林;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 导航制导与控制, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 利用GNSS载波相位信号进行载体的姿态测量是姿态测量研究的新方向。本文以Galileo系统为例,对卫星多频数据观测条件下的载体姿态测量系统进行了研究。总结了用Galileo多频观测信号确定载体姿态的技术特点,研究了利用多频卫星数据测量载体姿态的关键技术,并进行了改进和优化,提高了载体测姿的速度和精度。文章给出了Galileo测姿系统的观测模型,总结了多频率载波线性组合的概念,为Galileo测姿系统做了完整的误差分析,这一部分为后面其他工作和研究提供了理论基础。研究了应用卫星多频观测信号解算初始整周模糊度的方法。TCAR方法简单易行,但是叠加的观测噪声使成功率难以保证。小南间模糊度搜索方法在TCAR单步成功率最低的第二步引入一个小的搜索南间,提高了TCAR解模糊度算法的成功率。提出了应用约束法解双频整周模糊度:先利用卫星系统多频观测条件,组成双频双差宽巷组合观测值,用约束条件确定双差宽巷组合初始整周模糊度备选值,采用多种检验方法剔除错误的模糊度组合,最后求解出用于姿态解算的单频载波相位双差整周模糊度值,方法简单快速,克服了传统TCAR技术模糊度确定错误率高的缺点,提高了正确率。研究了多频数据与周跳探测和修复。Melbourne-Wübbena组合观测值法是适合多频观测条件下双差载波相位观测量的周跳检测法,适合静态和动态下使用,但是不能探测到小周数周跳。提出了对Melbourne-Wübbena组合观测值法的改进方法,提出一种选择优良探测周跳组合的适用公式,列出了(-60,60)区间内满足公式要求的所有组合观测值,经过仿真验证,都有良好的探测效果,能探测与修复任意周数的周跳。研究了矢量姿态解算算法,分析和改进了TRIAD算法,提高了姿态解算的精度。在研究多频观测的特点下,讨论了多个频率都对基线矢量进行求解给提高姿态精度带来的影响,建立了整个Galileo姿态测量系统的仿真平台,最后给出了整个系统的系统流程图和仿真验证结果。在研究基础上,建立了整个Galileo姿态测量系统的仿真平台,对仿真载体多根南线运动轨迹的过程进行了说明和叙述验证了Galileo姿态测量系统各个环节研究和改进的成果,对仿真载体多根南线运动轨迹的过程进行了说明和叙述。

【Abstract】 The research on attitude measurement using GNSS carrier phase signals is a new direction of studies. In this paper,Galileo system as an example,studied the system of attitude measurement on multi-frequency observations ofsatellite carriers.The technical characteristics and key technologies are summed up and has been refined and optimized to improve the speed and accuracy of attitude measurement.First gives the Galileo observation models of attitude measurement system, summed up the concept of the linear combination of multi-frequency carriers and makes a complete error analysisthe of the Galileo attitude measurement system , this is a part which provides a theoretical basis for the work behind.Severl methods using multi-frequency carrier phases to fix the initial carrier phase ambiguity are researched.The TCAR method is simple,but the overlapped and cumulated observation noises make its success rate is difficult to guarantee.A small ambiguity search space has been introduced in the second step of TCAR method which has the lowest success rate and the whole success rate of the TCAR solution algorithm is raised.And the constraint method is proposed based on the nowadays available conditions of multi-frequency carrier-observations.It chooses two different frequency carrie phase form a wide-lane measurements. Then it will make sure of the wide-lane ambiguity by using existence constraint factors to limit the ambiguity search range, by eliminating the incorrect ambiguity candidates through four methods.Finally, the integer ambiguity on the single-frequency carrier phase could be resolved. Compared to traditional TCAR, this algorithm wins a higher success probability of integer ambiguity determination. The simulation result indicates that this method is feasible and is suitable for single epoch ambiguity determination.Cycle slip detection and repairs using multi-frequency data is also studied.Melbourne-Wübbena method is a cycle slip detection method which is suitable for multi-frequency observations , double-difference carrier phase measurements and suitable for static and dynamic use. But it can not detect the small cycle slips. So,the Melbourne-Wübbena method of Cycle slip detection and repairs has been improved to make sure of detecting and repairing any number of weeks of the cycle slip.An improved TRIAD algorithm based on weighted vector sum for spacecraft attitude determination was studied to improve the accuracy. Discussed how to improve the attitude accuracy by using a number of frequency carrier phase getting the more accurate baseline vector base on the characteristics of multi-frequency observations of nowadays satllites system. And described and narrated the simulation process of spacecraft’s multi-antenna flight trace.At last, verified the Galileo attitude measurement system by emulators and all aspects of the study’s improvement.


