

Investigation on the Structure Design and Analysis for Lunar Lander

【作者】 张则梅

【导师】 聂宏;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 飞行器设计, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 月球是地球的卫星,有着得天独厚的地理优势、丰富的资源和极高的利用价值。近年来,国际上再次出现月球探测的新高潮。以月球为主的深空探测也是我国航天事业近期重点发展的方向之一。2009年3月1日,“嫦娥一号”卫星成功撞击月球,标志着我国探月一期工程的顺利完成,我国的探月活动进入了二期工程:月球软着陆探测和自动巡视勘察。着陆器主结构和软着陆机构的设计是月球软着陆探测的基础,而结构力学分析是着陆器主结构和软着陆机构设计的重要手段和工具。本文基于月球软着陆器的探测任务和飞行程序,根据着陆器主结构和软着陆机构设计的一般原则、要求和过程,进行了着陆器主结构和软着陆机构的设计和分析。本文首先根据设计要求给出了月球着陆器主结构和软着陆机构的设计方案,在此基础上,在有限元软件MSC.Patran对着陆器整体结构进行合理的简化,并建立相应的有限元模型。然后,利用有限元软件对着陆器整体进行结构静力分析、模态分析和频率响应分析,其中静力分析考虑的是着陆过程中的最大过载时刻,模态分析和频率响应分析考虑的是发射过程(着陆器被放置在运载火箭整流罩内部)。分析结果表明,所设计着陆器满足着陆器在工作过程中的强度和刚度要求。最后,介绍了月球表面主要的环境特征以及相应的模拟方法,研究了其在月球着陆器着陆冲击试验中的应用以及具体的试验方案。本文研究结果对月球着陆器设计具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Lunar, the natural satellite of the earth, has been a focus of the space discovey again recently because of its abundant resource and high value in use. Lunar exploration is also one of the most important projects in china. March 1, 2009,“Chang’e 1”satellite impacted on the moon under control, which marks the first phase of China’s lunar exploration project completed successfully, and the exploration activities is going to the second phase: the soft lunar landing and auto surface survey.The design of the lunar lander and the soft landing system is the basic of the lunar exploration, while the structure dynamic analysis is an importment approach for the designes. Based on the mission and flight procedure of the lunar lander, the constructions of the lunar vehicle and the soft landing system have been designed and analyzed in accordance with the general principles, requirements and process of design on lunar lander.At first, the detailed designs of the structures of the lunar vehicle and soft landing system have been given in accordance with the design requirement. Founded on the structure designed, the entire model of the lunar lander has been simplified reasonably, and the corresponding finite element model has been built in the software MSC.Patran. Then static analysis, modal analysis and frequency response analysis have been calculated in the software, in which the static analysis has been taken into the landing process, while the modal analysis and the frequency response analysis have been taken into the launch process (The landing gear has been placed in the fairing interior of the rocket.). The results of the calculations show that the designed structures of the lunar vehicle and soft landing system meet the strength and stiffness requirements at the course of work. Finally, the major environment features of the lunar surface and the corresponding simulation methods have been decribed. Then the applications of these methods in the landing impact tests of the lunar lander and the specific pilot programs have been given. The result of the study has actual guidance on structure design of lunar lander.


