

Universal Divinity

【作者】 徐彦

【导师】 周益民;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 世界美术史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中世纪是一个信仰的时代,一个和基督教紧密联系的,为阐述教义和忠实服务于教会的时代。然而中世纪也是这样一个时代:城市和领地逐步地扩张并成形,修道院中形成了最早的学术中心。从12世纪末开始,综合大学的兴建促进了学术的传播和发展。伴随于此的是手抄本书籍的大量描绘和制作。手抄本是一种带有手绘图画和彩饰,辅以选取《圣经》文字摘抄的书写在羊皮纸上的书籍。其间那些精致的彩饰微型插画又称为细密画,以极其严谨和一丝不苟的态度手工绘制而成,遍施五彩,间或饰以描金绘银的装饰。手抄本的本意是用图像的方式做解释《圣经》教义所用,而在中世纪晚期,国际哥特风格所影响下的写实的自然主义使手抄本固定的宗教题材融合了各种生活场景描绘,以转变单一宗教象征的方式来承担起解经的功能。本论文通过以图像学原理的解释方式,对中世纪晚期的手抄本绘画作具体分析,以阐明这一时期宗教象征艺术的发展和演变的过程,并试图探讨其对图像学原理的意义和对未来绘画发展的影响。

【Abstract】 The Medieval Era is an age of belief, of close connection with Christianity, of doctrine elaboration and of faithful service to the church. Yet it is an age that cities and territories expand gradually and take their shape, academic centers have been constituted among monasteries. By the end of the 12th century, the constitution of universities began to promote the communication and development of academia, with the concomitance of considerable paintings and productions on manuscript books. Manuscript is a kind of book with hand-painting and decoration supplemented by Bible selection written on parchment, in which the minitype delicate illustration is known as miniature painting. It is painted colorfully, decorated with silver and gold with an extremely rigorous and meticulous attitude handedly. The original purpose of manuscript is to interpret biblical doctrine with image, while in the late Middle Ages, the realistic naturalism affected by International Gothic Style makes the regular religious themes mixed with various life scenes depicted, to undertake the function of Bible commentaries with the alteration of single religious symbol. In this paper, I will make a detailed analysis to the late medieval manuscript paintings with the iconologic explanation, to clarify the process of development and evolution of religious symbolic art in this period, and attempt to explore its significance to the iconologic principle and the influence of future painting development.


